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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Don't squeeze it too hard. That banana will leave a mess in your pants.
  2. O_U812 has been here just as long. He just changed his profile photo. He use to be a bug eater, now he is a prick. Plus, I'm not too sure that O_U812 and Golfer are not the same person.
  3. Joe Biden and President Kamala Harris have postponed their meeting with the Asian community in Atlanta. Joe and Kamala probably learned that Asian leaders in Atlanta were going to complain about Black thugs in the city attacking Asian/Americans, and not about attacks by White supremacists. Since that information would not help promote the Democratic Party's campaign of hatred against White American males there would be no political benefit for Joe and Kamala to meet with the Asian leaders.
  4. You left out the biggest clown of all, "The Banana Prick" O_U812.
  5. And the will of Georgia voters means nothing? Rep. Marjorie Greene beat her Democrat opponent in the 2020 election by more than 225,000 votes. Democrats in the House have become a bunch of authoritarian bastards. Stalin and Mao would be proud of them.
  6. Nappy? Sorry, I think you've confused me with "Sleepy Joe" Biden who needs to take a nap every afternoon in order to make it through the day to his 6:00pm bedtime.
  7. That is exactly what I was thinking about you. I told you before that you need stay away from those mirrors.
  8. Since you hate White people so much why don't you commit suicide so the U.S. will have one less White male ? The liberal progressive socialists in the Democratic Party would love you for that.😉
  9. Golfer still hasn't told us how many golf courses there are in Moscow.😉
  10. So now the Stalinist Democrats are trying to overturn the will of Georgia voters.
  11. Since the guy admitted he is a sexual pervert there's good chance he is one of your relatives.
  12. Three vaccines developed within 9 months because of President Trump's actions when it normally takes five years to develop a new vaccine.
  13. You are too ignorant and indoctrinated with liberal progressive socialist bullshit propaganda to have a rational conversation with. Sadly, you no longer have a mind of your own. You are just a simple little pawn of the Democratic Party.
  14. Don't waste your time with facts on the dumb ass O_U812. He is too ignorant and intellectually dishonest to ever accept the truth. He is a poster boy for how much of a wasteland our public schools have become. Just an indoctrinated fool parroting all the liberal progressive socialist bullshit that has been poured into his head. How sad.
  15. If you ever looked at real news you might know something about Black men attacking Asian/Americans, you dumb son of a bitch.
  16. I see that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are heading for Atlanta today to see if they can again exploit the race issue for the Democrats' political benefit. Just another attempt to deflect attention from all the disastrous policies that the Democrats are trying to impose upon the American people. Wonder if Joe and Kamala will have anything to say about all the violence committed against Asian/Americans by African/Americans? I bet not. They'll just talk about all the "evil White people."
  17. Glad you finally admitted that you are not real. Doesn't surprise me, since you lie about everything else.
  18. At least I don't put a banana in my pants in an attempt to impress women like you do.
  19. But you still won't tell us how many golf courses there are in Moscow.
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