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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So says Golfer, a privileged liberal progressive White boy, who knows what is best for Black people better than Black people do.
  2. On MSN now is story from POLITICO with the headline "Biden won't embrace filibuster reforms even as the rest of his party does". Barack and Kamala may need to get rid of Joe sooner than they originally planned.
  3. Judges dismissed the cases because they did not want to become involved in a controversy of this magnitude. They took the easy way out by not allowing the cases to go to trial. Essentially, they just swept things under the rug. Unfortunately, by doing so they have given a green light to future election fraud.
  4. How long before O_U812 and the Golfer try to convince us that QAnon hired Black people to loot and burn stores in U.S. cities last summer?
  5. No judge would ever allow any evidence to be shown nor witnesses to testify.
  6. Instead of worrying about that, Canadians like you should start becoming concerned about all the immigrants Biden is allowing to come across our southern border who will eventually end up coming into Canada.
  7. I would never let you live rent free anywhere. I would kick your lazy ass out onto the street like your parents should have done a long time ago.😉
  8. You probably live rent free in your mommy and daddys' basement, but no where close to my head. Think you'll ever be able to support yourself like a real man,or will you be a parasite the rest of your life?
  9. No, she's feeding them a large diet of liberal progressive propaganda and idiots like you are gobbling it up.
  10. No, you ate the BS about there being no voter fraud in the U.S. election.
  11. But according to O_U812 him saying he builds solar panels was just sarcasm. And we are so stupid because we didn't know that. Which causes me to ask the question, Is everything he says just sarcasm? Do we need a decoder ring to determine when he is being sarcastic and when he is trying to be serious?
  12. That's alright, they'll heat the state with all the methane from O_U812's bullshit.😉
  13. You are the one who said you were building solar panels. I just repeated what you said.
  14. If you are an American citizen and test positive for covid-19 you are required to quarantine, but if you are an illegal immigrant testing positive for covid-19 you can travel where ever you want in the U.S.
  15. Who gives a shit about ignorant white supremacists and militia groups? They are just as crazy as BLM and ANTIFA members.
  16. Saying you earn $27/hr. building solar panels is sarcasm? How is that sarcasm? To me it's either the truth or a lie.
  17. You are the one who posted it, you lying piece of shit. You are mentally deranged.
  18. You ought to watch it some time. Maybe then you wouldn't be so stupid and ill informed.😉
  19. So when do you tell the truth about anything? Are you saying that your story about building solar panels and collecting unemployment benefits when not working is a lie? If so, what is the truth?
  20. More lies from you about how they were treated by the Trump Admin. Also, the Biden Admin. is housing the children in shipping containers and they are sleeping on the floor. I saw photos of the containers and the children on Fox News.
  21. But if I call Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, or AOC a nutjob I'm a racist and a sexist, right? Double standard?
  22. That's the game liberals play. When Obama was president if anyone criticized him or his policies they were automatically branded a racist. But liberals are free to demonize Black conservatives with no consequences for their behavior. That's probably one of the reasons Biden is appointing so many minorities to his cabinet. If anyone criticizes the policies of those cabinet members the Biden Admin and the news media will automatically brand the criticizer a bigot and thus silence all criticism of Biden's policies.
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