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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. It's the Democrats who are trying to institute a one party state with H.R. 1 and a centralized command economy with their government bailout and pork spending programs.😉
  2. No, I was very happy to be out after spending a year and 3 days in Vietnam. But you were too much of a coward to enlist for even one tour of duty.
  3. And never ever hold your dick while taking a profile photo. People might think you're a pervert.
  4. One of the reasons oil prices are rising in the Middle East is because of Biden's anti oil policies which will reduce the world supply of oil. Those policies will eventually make the U.S. dependent on Middle East oil like we were before Trump's energy policies made us energy independent.
  5. He didn't need the affirmative action crutch because he had the ability to make it on his own as a human being.
  6. Why would I want to return my tax money to Washington, D.C. so that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer can give it to a bunch of lazy liberal progressives who don't pay taxes?
  7. Could have been Obama since he is the one running Biden's presidency.
  8. And any Trump supporter or Republican will be labeled a White supremacist by Biden's flunkies running the Pentagon. That's how the game is played by Stalinist Democrats.
  9. The problem is not Max's inability to comprehend, it's your inability too rationally communicate.😉
  10. And you know so much more about discrimination against Black people than do Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens, right? Most of the BLM members I've seen are White.
  11. And what do you think would happen to the career of any judge that ruled in favor of Trump's attorneys? No judge wants to touch any of these cases for fear of being blacklisted by the establishment.
  12. I was hoping she would stay in the UK so that we could be rid of her.
  13. What did you people in the U.K. think was going to happen when Harry married a liberal progressive American? Liberal progressive Americans destroy everything they come into contact with and that will include the British monarchy.
  14. On November 17, 2020 gasoline was $2.14/gal. where I live. As of yesterday the price was $2.99/gal. and going up. Thanks, Joe!
  15. If Biden's Secretary of Defense decides to purge the military of Trump supporters and Republicans the only people left in the military will be the political hacks who work at the Pentagon. Liberal progressive socialist snowflakes like the Golfer and O_U812 don't join the military.😉
  16. To quote "the Prick", O_U812, why are you so afraid of a woman? 😉
  17. Why should SPYING not want to get back some of the tax money he has been paying in all these years if illegal aliens,welfare recipients and prison inmates are going to receive checks?
  18. No, I wouldn't go close to the Democrat run cesspool called New York City. DeBlasio would probably have me arrested just because I'm a White male.
  19. Illegal immigrant adults claiming asylum are being given dates for court hearings and then being released into the U.S.
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