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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That's exactly what I would expect from a liberal progressive socialist ANTIFA snowflake loser like you.😉
  2. And I never mentioned race, color or gender when I spoke of Kamala Harris, but I was immediately accused of being afraid of women. You and the Golfer are hypocrites.
  3. Your mind is so fucking simple. My cat has more original thoughts than you.
  4. So you are a racist and a sexist. Why are you afraid of a strong Black woman?
  5. And killed a lot of people by putting covid-19 infected people into nursing homes. Also, destroyed Michigan's economy with the coved-19 lockdown.
  6. So you don't build solar panels and collect unemployment benefits when you are not working, and depend on the union to find you a job? Does that mean you are admitting that you are a liar?
  7. Golfer forgot to give you a "like" for your comment. The "likes" on this thread for you and the Golfer are almost as phony as you and the Golfer are.😉
  8. Who besides a fool like you gives a fuck about what Alex Jones has to say. Next you'll be quoting the Easter Bunny.
  9. And when states are no longer allowed to require people to show IDs before registering to vote or voting non citizens, under aged citizens, and other ineligible people will be voting.
  10. I thought you said Putin and the Russians were a threat to our freedom? if more people were like you there would be no U.S. military to protect us from Putin and the Russians. Thank God there are not more people like you.
  11. I read your bullshit, and it just confirmed to me that you are a coward.
  12. You will never understand what true equality is because you see yourself as superior to other races and to women. You are the true bigot with your paternalistic approach to minorities. As a liberal progressive you believe that minorities need special help and protections because you see them as inferior to you. That's why people like Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens despise people like you.
  13. You must be really dumb or extremely dishonest because I just looked up the USA TODAY story again about the Biden Administration separating migrant children from their relatives at our southern border. Do you know how to use a browser? Try entering "www.usatoday.com/Migrant children at border are still being separated from relatives for weeks under Biden administration". Now, is that enough help for you to find the story or is that too complex for your simple dishonest mind?
  14. And you and "the Prick" are cowards who expect other people to risk their lives to protect your sorry liberal progressive cowardly asses because you don't have the guts to do it yourself. You don't even deserve the right to call yourself an American. You should feel ashamed and embarrassed every time you walk past a person wearing a U.S. military uniform or wearing the uniform of a police officer.
  15. And the mainstream media pushed the Trump/Russia collusion hoax for almost three years. Now the news media wants Americans to believe that QAnon will be storming the U.S. Capitol within the next few weeks to install Donald Trump as president. LMAO
  16. Tell the people who lost their jobs working on the pipeline that it was "just a statement", you liberal progressive piece of shit.
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