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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. After the November, 2022 election Adam Kinzinger will be the former representative from Illinois.
  2. Only because people don't know what all is in the bill. All the news media tells them is about the $1400 payments, extended unemployment benefits, and some financial help for businesses. The news media doesn't tell people about the bulk of the spending which is for Democrat pet projects which have nothing to do with covid relief. Typical Democrat tactic, take a popular piece of legislation and load it up with Democrat pork spending.
  3. "Let me circle back to you on that" Jen Psaki is one of the most uninformed and unprepared WH Press Secretaries I've ever seen.
  4. You didn't keep it short enough since all you did was repeat all the trivial thoughts and words you've expressed before. You are so boring.
  5. You mean even more ways for Democrats to circumvent the U.S. Constitution so that they can shove more unwanted legislation down the throats of American citizens?
  6. But you still have no explanation for not doing your part to protect the U.S. and the world do you, little coward?😉
  7. And those little know nothing indoctrinated snowflakes are among the stupidest of the stupid. God save us from such ignorance.
  8. Oh yeah, we'll see how popular the Democrats' socialist policies are in the 2022 election.
  9. And for sure a snowflake loudmouth coward like you will not be traveling to the local recruiting office to join the military, so that he can do his part to protect the U.S. and the world from Putin and the Russians.
  10. Joe Manchin said he is not in favor of eliminating the filibuster.
  11. So now you are saying members of our military are brainwashed morons? At least they are not a gutless coward like you. You want our troops stationed all around the world, but are too much of a coward to go yourself.
  12. True. Because H.R.1 allows and promotes voter fraud that would enable Democrats to steal every future election.
  13. Already spent my time in the military, snowflake. How about you?
  14. Why are CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and the rest of the main stream news media not reporting on the violent QANON insurrection at the the U.S. Capitol today? LMAO
  15. What did you say, little loudmouth snowflake coward? Still haven't explained to me why you won't enlist in the military. Typical liberal progressive. All talk and no action.
  16. And I think it's time you put your body where your mouth is and enlist in the military, so that you can protect the U.S, and the world from Putin and the Russians.😉
  17. So you are calling 74 million Americans White supremacist racist bigots? The term dead-nuts perfectly describes you.
  18. Better educate yourself a bit more about how the Senate operates. 51 votes won't do it for this legislation. Need 60 votes for closure before this bill can be voted on by the Senate.😉
  19. I think it's time we bring all our troops home from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Germany. We can better use them to protect our own borders.
  20. If what happened at the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan.6 was an insurrection, then what is happening on our southern border right now is a foreign invasion. The U.S. troops that are guarding the U.S. Capitol need to be moved to our southern border to help stop the invasion.
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