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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Most of those courts never allowed any evidence to be presented because the judges did not want to be part of overturming an election.
  2. With what "Sleepy Joe" said today, apparently the Democrats will now pursue an America last foreign policy. The American people should really love that.
  3. All I heard from you Democrats during the Trump presidency was Russia,Russia, Russia, and now they're no big deal?
  4. Joe Biden today said the "America First" policy is over. I think every Democrat should endorse Joe's new policy when they campaign for office in 2022 and 2024.😉
  5. It was you and the Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton, who elevated Russia's status in the world during the Trump presidency. According to Democrats Putin was the biggest threat faced by the U.S.
  6. I thought a person could only serve two terms as president. Barack Obama is in his third term.
  7. Joe Biden received a covid vaccination on Dec. 21, 2020. In a recent town hall tv appearance he said there was no covid vaccine when he became president. What?
  8. You are the blind one. Previous to covid we had one of the best economies in U.S. history. Including lowest unemployment rates for Blacks and Hispanics in U.S. history. Also, some of the biggest increases in income for lower and middle class workers took place during Trump's economy prior to covid.
  9. But Trump wasn't blown out. Remove the voter fraud that took place with mail-in voting in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix and Trump won in a landslide.
  10. So you answer the question then. Starlight said Biden's energy policies that have purposely caused gasoline prices to rise are a good thing for America and the world. If that is so, why didn't Biden tell that to the American people when he was campaigning for president?
  11. So why did Trump's policies help the middle class and poor by improving the economy if he meant to fuck the middle class and poor?
  12. The true answer to my question is that Joe Biden could not have come close to being elected president if he had been truthful with the American people about his energy policies.
  13. Biden is on the right track for the rest of the world, wrong track for the American people just like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and the two Bushes.
  14. And in the future Germany will be done when Putin decides to cut off your gas supply in the middle of the winter.
  15. But you didn't answer my question. You sound like a typical politician who never gives a real answer to any question.
  16. Russians don't drill into the earth to obtain natural gas? Please explain how they do that?
  17. So why didn't Joe Biden tell this to the American people when he was campaigning for the presidency?
  18. Wonder if Chris Cuomo can save his brother's ass? Andrew Cuomo is beginning to sound more like Michael Corleone than the Governor of New York.
  19. You couldn't think if you wanted to. The public school system didn't teach you how. All they did was indoctrinate you. How sad.
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