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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Insults and propaganda blogs are all Golfer and "The Prick" O_U812 have to offer.
  2. Iran and Russia must really love "Sleepy Joe's" (Obama's) energy policies. As the price of oil goes up Iran and Russia become stronger and stronger with more influence in the world.
  3. If China invaded Taiwan, what country in the world would do anything to stop the aggression? Do you really believe the Biden Administration would do anything other than protest?
  4. "Sleepy Joe" just caved to Iran's demands. How long before he gives in to China and Russias' demands?
  5. Better go back to posting your propaganda blogs, you're repeating yourself again.
  6. Wasn't my cat, she has more functioning brain cells than "Sleepy Joe".
  7. Thank you for setting the record straight. Now a barrage of name calling will befall you from the the two liberal progressive clowns on this thread.
  8. Notice what Biden's energy policies have done to the price of gasoline? Up, Up, Up. Thanks Joe, Americans love paying more every time they refuel their vehicles.
  9. Joe Biden( Barack Obama) just sold out to Iran just like Obama and John Kerry did during the Obama presidency.
  10. Ask me if I care? I say what I think and what I feel. If people don't like that, so be it.
  11. Could that be because they figured out that you and Golfer are the same person and give "likes" to each other?
  12. You mean like Barack Obama for the whole eight years of his presidency blaming all of America's problems on George W. Bush? And like Joe Biden and the Democrats will blame President Trump for all of America's problems for the next four years.?
  13. That's called a typo. They came in the early 1900s. But you already knew that.
  14. Democrats want him to resign because they know they can't beat him in an election. Those same Democrats don't give a damn about the people of Texas, they just want to get rid of Ted Cruz because he is an effective conservative in the U.S. Senate.
  15. But you have no problem blaming tornadoes, hurricanes, and forest fires in California on climate change. You don't know the first thing about science. Science is just a word that liberal progressives use to promote their radical environmental agenda. All you do is spout Democrat talking points.
  16. My ancestors came to the U.S. in the early 1900s. Apparently our public schools didn't teach you that fascism in Germany didn't take place until the 1930s.
  17. Sorry, but I don't see the Green New Deal, gun confiscation, and open borders as winning issues in Texas.😉
  18. Yep, looks like Texas is having a big problem with global warming. We definitely need to stop the rising temperatures in Texas.
  19. Sorry, to burst your hate filled bubble, but my ancestors from Germany were Roman Catholic.
  20. You are a very sick person. With the way you hate Black people, Jews, and homosexuals Adolf Hitler would have been proud of you.
  21. As a ploy to avoid a recall election Gov. Gavin Newsom of California is offering the citizens of California $600 stimulus checks. Trying to buy influence with the voters?
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