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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Watch out, Joe! They're about to throw you under the liberal progressive wacko bus.
  2. I didn't say "you're mentally fucked up" if you work at Twitter. I said (Golfer) has the mentality of a Jack Dorsey employee. So apparently, YOU think Jack Dorsey is "mentally fucked up."😉
  3. Or maybe you already do work for Twitter? You have the mentality of a Jack Dorsey employee.
  4. The way real Americans have always done, by taking care of themselves. Only helpless people like you need leaders to tell them what to do and how to think. You post the thoughts of other people on this thread because you have none of your own.
  5. Beginning to look like the far left of the Democratic Party has gotten about all they can get out of Biden. About time for Barack and Kamala to implement their plan to replace "Sleepy Joe" with Kamala.
  6. Your fucking profile photo is sexist, you ignorant fool. And everything you post is full of hate.
  7. You are the true windbag of hate. Everything you post is full of hate and anger.
  8. How would you know? You never listened to his program. All you know about him are the distortions of his comments by people who hated him.
  9. The term "Barack the Magic Negro" was coined by a writer at the liberal L.A. Times in March of 2007. The term questioned the authenticity of Obama as a Black man.
  10. You have no idea. Many more good loving people will show up for his funeral than will ever be at yours.
  11. That is such an ignorant and incoherent statement. Better stick to posting other people's thoughts because when you express your own you make a total fool of yourself.
  12. ANTIFA is a bunch of immature thugs who have nothing to offer this country but anarchy, violence and destruction.
  13. So says the holder of all truth and knowledge. Maybe you can get a job with Twitter as a thought censor. I'm sure the progressive fascist Jack Dorsey would welcome you with open arms.
  14. Deny it all you want. It shows in almost everything you post. Also, many, if not most, of the 1% are Democrats.
  15. It's not RW Christian conservatives burning and looting our cities. It's LW anarchists and Marxists like you.
  16. No, people like you are the worst of America. You contribute absolutely nothing positive to this country.
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