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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Wonder why Golfer doesn't post anymore stories from the Lincoln Project? Could it be because the founders of the organization are being exposed for the frauds that they are?
  2. Not BLM demonstrations, BLM rioting, looting and burning of U.S. cities. You are almost as deceitful and dishonest as are the Democrat impeachment managers.
  3. You and your buddies on here called Trump a mass murderer long before I said anything about Cuomo, you fucking hypocritical phony. And there is real concrete evidence connecting Cuomo to the deaths of thousands in New York nursing homes.
  4. FLASH NEWS: According to INSIDE EDITION the police officer who died at the U.S. Capitol riot was not beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. They are now exploring the possibility that he may have died from being sprayed with Bear Spray.
  5. I consider you calling me your enemy an honor, little ANTIFA snowflake coward. 😉
  6. And you're dumb,ignorant, stupid, dishonest and totally devoid of any integrity. You are nothing but a brain dead fool who continually parrots Democrat talking points.
  7. And the Democrat Senators have never met with the House trial managers? If you believe that you probably also believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
  8. Is training what ANTIFA and BLM are doing every night in Seattle and Portland?
  9. Let's see what your story is the day after the Nov., 2022 election.😉
  10. So for the only thing Democrats have proven in the impeachment trial is that there was a riot at U.S. Capitol Building on Jan.6.
  11. The purpose of this impeachment is to prevent Trump from running for president in 2024, because the Democrats fear that they will not be able to steal the 2024 election as they stole the 2020 election.
  12. Impeachment was not intended to be a purely political process by the founders who wrote the U.S. Constitution.
  13. This impeachment trial means absolutely nothing. Bottom line is that Trump will be acquitted and within three months this impeachment will be totally forgotten.
  14. Good. I hope the Democrats continue to dig their political graves deeper and deeper.
  15. And what educational credentials do you hold that qualify you to school anyone on anything?
  16. Now that the U.S. Senate has opened Pandora's box by voting that it is constitutional to impeach a president who is no longer in office here are some possibilities to consider: impeaching George Washington and Thomas Jefferson for owning slaves, impeaching Andrew Jackson for Native American genocide, impeaching Abraham Lincoln for imprisoning journalists, impeaching Franklin Roosevelt for putting Japanese-Americans in concentration camps, impeaching Harry Truman for nuking Japanese civilians, impeaching Lyndon Johnson for the Gulf of Tonkin Lie, impeaching John F. Kennedy for authorizing an illegal invasion of Cuba, impeaching George W. Bush for lying about WMDs in Iraq. The possibilities are endless. Way to go, brilliant, short sighted members of the U.S. Senate!
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