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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Apparently the governors of Virginia and Pennsylvania didn't follow their own covid-19 guidelines since they both became infected with the virus.
  2. With the news media now finally reporting on the Hunter Biden scandal it looks like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris with the help of a compliant news media are beginning to implement their plan to remove Joe Biden from office once he is sworn in on Jan.20.
  3. You mean actual facts like your news sources back in October saying that the New York Post story about the Hunter Biden scandal was nothing but Russian disinformation?
  4. Hey moron bugeater, NAZI Party stands for National Socialist Party.
  5. And why can't a Russian agent like you get his fucking nose out of an American election?
  6. I have no doubt that Joe Biden will be sworn in as president on Jan. 20, but I also have no doubt that the election was stolen. At this point there is no judge who would have the courage to overturn the election even if he saw undeniable proof of voter fraud. The news media and the Washington D.C. establishment would destroy that judge. The corrupt Washington D.C. establishment swamp has won and the American people have lost.The Democrat machine in the city of Atlanta will also steal the two Senate elections in Georgia on Jan.5.
  7. The FBI is investigating Hunter Biden. Is the FBI investigating the media fabricated stories about Ivanka Trump and her husband?
  8. If the Chinese spy who was sleeping with Eric Swalwell wasn't obtaining any classified information from him why did she stay with him for so many years? Would she not have moved on to another possible source of info?
  9. How do you know that? From the news media? The news media also said there was nothing to the Hunter Biden story.
  10. Hunter Biden just said that the FBI is investigating him, but he must be lying because Joe Biden in October said the story about Hunter reported in the New York Post was just a disinformation hoax put forward by the Russians. Plus, the mainstream news media said the New York Post story was unsubstantiated and refused to report on it. Even Facebook and Twitter refused to allow anything about the scandal to be posted on their sites.
  11. If you count illegal votes three times you will get the same count three times.
  12. 74 million of those people said they wanted Trump to remain president.
  13. The holier than thou Congressman Eric Swalwell was sleeping with a female Chinese spy who worked for his political campaigns. Swalwell numerous times accused President Trump of being a Russian agent when in fact Swalwell may have been may have been a Chinese Communist Government agent. Karma's a bitch, right Eric.
  14. Wonder how many days it will take the Democrat machine in Atlanta to count the votes from the Jan.5 Senate elections in Georgia? Now that the justice system has turned a blind eye to election cheating I expect that the Democrats will successfully steal those two Senate seats in the same manner that they stole the presidency.
  15. Just because the Supreme Court Justices don't have enough guts to hear the case does not mean that the election was not stolen. I have already stated that the results will not be overturned because the justices don't have the courage to buck the establishment power structure and do the right thing. That still does not change the fact that the Democrats stole the presidential election.
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