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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Sorry, but your fucking lies don't work on me. Try them on someone else.
  2. Fuck your propaganda, you lying piece of shit. I saw video of what ANTIFA and BLM thugs did at the Trump rally. They attacked Trump supporters as they were walking down the street heading to their hotels after the rally. I saw one cowardly BLM bastard hit a middle aged woman in the back of the head as she was walking down the street. SAVE YOUR FUCKING LYING PROPAGANDA FOR FOOLS WHO ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE IT.
  3. And for Biden's whole term I don't want to hear one fucking complaint from you or any of the other Trump haters.
  4. Yesterday( Nov.16, 2020) the price of gasoline in my hometown was $2.14/ gal. I wonder what the price will be on Nov. 16, 2021?
  5. I hope you and Canada have to share some of our misery when "Sleepy Joe" and the Democrats destroy our economy.
  6. If there is any blood in the streets it will be because of the ANTIFA and BLM thugs attacking peaceful Trump supporters!
  7. And if the Democrats get the Federal income tax increases they want money, businesses,factories and jobs will bail from the U.S.
  8. Sounds like the little snowflake is worried. Afraid that the Democrats cheating will be exposed?
  9. Typical Stalinist liberal progressive thug. Their answer to dissent is always to squelch and shut it up.
  10. If the Dominion software switched thousands of votes it could happen. At least a hand recount will remove most questions about the election.
  11. What happens if the Georgia hand recount shows President Trump winning by a large margin? Would that then convince people of a need for a recount in other battleground states?
  12. I wonder if golfer and bug eater will ever recover from their severe cases of Trump derangement syndrome? I have never before seen two people consumed with so much hate.
  13. With the damage that Gov. Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio have done to New York City there is probably not much Manhattan high society left. People with money are fleeing New York City like rats fleeing a sinking ship.
  14. Looks like "Sleepy Joe"is going to fill his administration with a bunch of recycled Washington D.C. establishment losers.
  15. It's not about Trump. It's about the policies he advocates for and the fact he is the only person in authority standing against the destructive policies of the Democrats. Most Republicans are either part of the Washington D.C. establishment or are spineless wimps.
  16. Some more numbers: $0, the amount of money bug eater earned and paid in income tax last year.
  17. Sorry, but most of the Jim Jones disciples were deranged liberal Democrats like you looking for communal utopia in Jonestown.
  18. I had been ignoring him for several days and not even translating his trash, but since he keeps posting comments to my posts I thought today I would see what he was saying. I got personal because of the vile things he said about me. I will now go back to not translating and ignoring his comments.
  19. You mean when the Obama Administration tried to steal the 2016 election from Trump by using the Steele Dossier which was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and composed with the help of Russian agents? Sorry, but I've complained about that for 4 years.
  20. Too bad they couldn't say that about 2016 when Obama and Biden were in charge. And they probably meant most secure from foreign actors, but not from corruption by the Democratic Party.
  21. 72 million+ people don't think he made a fool of himself. And most liberal progressive snowflakes are too busy protesting and burning down buildings to follow the PGA anyway.
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