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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. There are many areas of the border where the natural terrain acts as a border, so no wall is needed. Also, more wall would have been built if Congress had appropriated the funds that Trump requested.
  2. That's because Democrats in Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia tabulate ballots in the same way that it is done in Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and North Korea.
  3. The quality of the wall that existed when Obama was president was a joke. People crawled under it, over it and in some places just plain walked through it.
  4. A lot of the old wall was replaced because it was inadequate. So there was a wall built in new areas in addition to replacement of old wall.
  5. Too bad your information sources don't tell you the truth. I imagine those same sources have been telling you for four years how much Trump is hated by the American people. If that is so, why did 69 million Americans vote to reelect him?
  6. Sorry, but I don't think McConnell will be embracing the Democrats' socialist utopia.
  7. They built it where the border patrol agents said it was needed. And what the hell does someone in Germany know about a wall on our southern border?
  8. And who is going to do that? Try it and see what happens to you, prick.
  9. When the border wall comes down I hope we send a bunch of the people who illegally cross the border on to Canada.
  10. For what? Not kissing European leaders' asses and not selling out America's middle class to the rest of the world like Obama did. I thought you wanted U.S. troops out of Germany. Trump was removing troops, but I promise you Biden will not.
  11. Yeah, he will be really sad as a billionaire with a beautiful wife.
  12. Republicans still have the Senate and have also gained seats in the House, so the Democrats' progressive "scorched earth" dream is dead. Now it is time for the Republican resistance in Congress to stop Democrats from accomplishing anything. Turn about is fair play. It's now their turn for resist, resist, resist!!!!!!.
  13. Yeah, with the weak feeble minded Biden representing the U.S. they can use the U.S. as their piggy bank again at the expense of the American middle class.
  14. So says the Putin ass kissing Russian agent. You devious bastard.
  15. The longer the counting process is drawn out the greater is the opportunity is for corruption.
  16. Strange that the large states of Florida and Texas had no problem getting votes counted on election day.
  17. So only Democrats should be allowed to count ballots? We have never had this many mail-in ballots in an election. Trump won in 2016 because almost all the voting was in person. Cheating is easier with mail-in ballots than it is with in person voting.
  18. He probably still believes the Russia/Trump collusion hoax was real.
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