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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Sadly, that's what will happen to the U.S. if the Democrats takeover the Presidency, House and Senate.
  2. No, the news media misspoke. Trump said the voting should stop. It was the news media who lied and said that he wanted counting to stop. With Pennsylvania accepting mail-in votes thru Friday and mail-in ballots being counted that have no post mark what's to stop people from mailing ballots thru Friday?
  3. The election is now in the hands of the establishment and not the American people. Therefore, the probability of Biden winning is about 90%.
  4. Ballots where the post mark cannot be read are also required to be counted in Pennsylvania. The U.S. Postal Workers Union endorsed Biden for president, so postal employees who handle the mail are not impartial on this election.
  5. The Democrat Attorney General of Pennsylvania is overseeing the counting of ballots in that state even though he is on the ballot running for reelection. Is that not a conflict of interest? Why did the Governor of Pennsylvania not require the AG to recuse himself?
  6. Legal voting has been stopped. But in Pennsylvania they are allowed to accept mail-in ballots through Friday if they are postmarked by Nov.3. But if the postmark is not legible those ballots will be counted. Also, if the signature on the certification envelope of a mail-in ballot does not match the signature on the voter's registration records that ballot must also be counted.
  7. There is still one electoral vote outstanding in Maine which is yet to be determined.
  8. It's early am Wednesday. They will start counting again later in the day, but there was no need to stop counting. They didn't stop in almost all the other states. Interrupting the count just adds more confusion and distrust to the process.
  9. You left out Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada and one district in Maine. Right now Trump has a lead in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania which are all four Democrat run states and all four have now mysteriously stopped counting votes until tomorrow. Why??????????????
  10. This weekend the Pennsylvania Democrat Attorney General who oversees the counting of votes declared, " Trump is going to lose if every vote is counted." Not only does this Democrat official oversee the counting of ballots, but he is also on the ballot for reelection. Now that Trump is up over 600,000 votes in Pennsylvania the counting of ballots has been stopped until Wednesday. Why?????????????????
  11. So why can the rest of the country count votes on time, but not these fucking Democrat cities which know they have the ability to determine the outcome of the election? Why did they stop counting? More and more I am convinced that you are a fucking Russian agent who kisses Putin's ass. But whatever you are you are not an American citizen, so I don't need you counseling me about an American election. Since you are not an American citizen I couldn't care less about your opinion. In essence, keep your fucking German/Russian nose out of our business.
  12. It seems strange to me that every place in the country can count their ballots on election day except for the Democrat controlled cities of Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, and Las Vegas. I guess they need more time to locate or create more ballots for Biden.
  13. Tony Fauci, the career Washington D.C. government bureaucrat disguised as a doctor.
  14. Sorry the truth hurts you, and I will be with my girlfriend tomorrow while you are trying to save your failed business.
  15. Don't really know. What I expect to happen is for Trump to have substantial leads in the battleground states at the end of election night and then for Democrats to take the win away from Trump in the days and weeks following the election with court challenges about the counting of mail-in ballots.
  16. And how are you doing your job to get Biden/Harris elected, by going to a polling site with your ANTIFA buddies to harass and intimidate Trump voters?
  17. Wrong. If Biden/Harris are elected the bullshit will just be beginning.
  18. You are so brainwashed by the news media. If Biden wins and the Democrats win both the House and Senate, AOC and the "Squad" will be running the country and everything I warned you of will happen.
  19. On MSN I just read the following headline from ABC, "Coronavirus Surging in Every Key Swing State". Isn't that convenient for the Democrats. Don't tell me that the coronavirus pandemic has not been politicized by the Democrats and the news media. Now the news media is trying to use fear of covid-19 to suppress Republican voter turn out on election day, since most Democrats have voted by mail.
  20. Joe Scarborough is such a lying phony son of a bitch. Didn't see him complaining when BLM and ANTIFA were blocking highways.
  21. And how many years have you been drinking the liberal progressive socialist Marxist Democrat kool aid? I guess you like paying higher taxes, $6/ gallon gasoline, and utility bills that will double or triple.
  22. When there was a covid-19 outbreak at the White House the news media was quick to make a big story out of it. So why no follow up story about how many of the infected people became seriously ill or died? Because no one became seriously ill nor died, and that story does not fit the news media's coronavirus hysteria. They want the American people to equate being infected with covid-19 with certain death.
  23. No, if Trump loses you will be crying when you have to pay higher taxes, pay six dollars a gallon for gasoline, and see your utility bills double or triple.
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