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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You just confirmed what I said about Trump leaving office. Once he is gone and the Democrats take over it won't change your life, but it will very negatively affect Americans' lives.
  2. Even if that happens your life will be no better than it is today and you will still be stuck with Trudeau.
  3. Sadly, that mask probably gives as much protection as most masks that people are wearing.
  4. At least they are not as mentally impaired as are the Democrat senators on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.
  5. Everyone dies? No, you treat people who experience symptoms. Most people who are infected don't even experience any symptoms, if not for testing they would not even know they were infected.
  6. To which Pittsburgh City Paper went into this guy's social media accounts and discovered the QAnon connection, as well as sharing posts by Liz Crokin, another online nutjob, posts that allege that Chrissy Teigen and Patton Oswalt are Satanic Paedophiles, among other foolishness. You can go there for the screenshots. Since the U.S. Postal Workers Union endorsed Biden for president, seems to me there is more chance of postal workers doing things to help Biden than to help Trump.
  7. Actually, I took it off when I ate and didn't do what the idiot governor of California has instructed people in his state to do. He has said that people should wear the mask between bites of food. I'm not kidding, he really said that.
  8. Of course, more people will be infected when there is no lock down. Becoming infected is how a population builds immunity. Infection numbers mean nothing. Important figures are how many people are hospitalized and how many people are dying. It appears the best way to fight the disease is to provide protection for people who are most in danger of severe illness and death from the virus while allowing the rest of the population to live normal lives.
  9. But of those infected, how many are sick? Maybe becoming infected is how the disease is defeated.
  10. I think there is a silent revolution going on. In my state the governor has mandated the wearing of masks. But when my girlfriend and I ate lunch at a restaurant today I was the only person in the restaurant wearing a mask.
  11. Because some justices read things into laws that are not there. An originalist interprets laws and the Constitution based only upon what is written. Example: Show me where the word abortion is anywhere in the Constitution, but non-originalists some how determined that the Constitution made abortion a federal right. The U.S. Supreme Court should have never made a ruling on abortion because abortion is mentioned no where in the Constitution. An originalist would say that the legality or non-legality of abortion should be determined by state or federal legislation, not by the courts.
  12. To which Pittsburgh City Paper went into this guy's social media accounts and discovered the QAnon connection, as well as sharing posts by Liz Crokin, another online nutjob, posts that allege that Chrissy Teigen and Patton Oswalt are Satanic Paedophiles, among other foolishness. You can go there for the screenshots. Looks like Democrats are beginning to look for excuses for losing the election. When Democrats get their asses kicked Nov.3 they're going to claim widespread Republican cheating.
  13. To which Pittsburgh City Paper went into this guy's social media accounts and discovered the QAnon connection, as well as sharing posts by Liz Crokin, another online nutjob, posts that allege that Chrissy Teigen and Patton Oswalt are Satanic Paedophiles, among other foolishness. You can go there for the screenshots. That's because the liberal progressive news media won't report on Democrat cheating. And like I said before, this is another example of why people should be required to vote in person. Vote in person and a postal worker is unable to throw your ballot in the trash.
  14. Not lost for words. Just used what was needed to answer your comment.
  15. My statement is not flawed. An amendment once it is ratified becomes part of the Constitution. At that point an originalist will consider the amendment to be just as legitimate as the rest of the Constitution. Being an originalist means interpreting the constitution and law as they are written and not seeing things that are not there in order to fit a justice's personal ideological agenda. That includes new laws and Constitutional amendments.
  16. And right previous to the quote you wrote, "An excellent description and definition of IQ45's 'base'." Which means you agree with every word that was written in the quote you posted.
  17. That is such a stupid argument. Being an originalist means that a justice makes decisions based upon the original intent of the written text of the Constitution and laws. An originalist accepts amendments to the constitution because they are also part of the written text of the constitution.
  18. It's beginning to look like European leaders weren't all that brilliant in handling the pandemic. And now even the W.H.O. is saying lockdowns are and were a big mistake in fighting the pandemic.
  19. One of your typical tactics. You use other people's words to express your ideas, and then claim that you didn't say it when someone calls you out on the comment. You are so phony, deceitful, and gutless.
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