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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The guy was probably a disgruntled former Hunter Biden business partner who was upset with the Bidens for cutting him out of their deals with China.
  2. And what the hell does someone in the UK know about the Democrat Party?
  3. Too bad there was no one at the rally to hear him. Obama is off, period.
  4. Money laundering and tax fraud (not reporting income on a tax return) can get a person time in prison.
  5. Beginning to sound like "Sleepy Joe" and Hunter might be going to the "Big House" instead the White House.
  6. Maybe even some of Hillary Clinton's yoga videos and photos of Chelsea Clinton's wedding.
  7. If Trump is not there Biden can debate himself, the Socialist Joe Biden from the Democrat primary campaign vs the Moderate Joe Biden from the general election campaign. Like the Socialist Joe Biden who was against fracking vs the Moderate Joe Biden who is for fracking.
  8. Now for some actual figures per "worldmeters.info", as of Oct. 18, 2020 Sweden had 79,096 people currently infected with covid-19 with 79,066 of those being classified as "in mild condition" and 30 people being classified as in "serious or critical condition." Also, since July 24 Sweden has had very few deaths from covid-19.
  9. That would be perfect for Biden since he hardly ever campaigns, he takes very few questions from the media at news conferences, and now no debate. He'll be the first presidential candidate in history to never tell voters what he plans on doing if he is elected. His whole campaign seems to be, 'Donald Trump is a terrible person , so vote for me.' Or like he said when asked if he planned to pack the Court, 'I'll tell you after the election.'
  10. Another Republican Washington D.C. establishment swamp dweller.
  11. Were you part of Jeffrey Toobin's zoom call? I figured he was putting on a show specifically for you, since he's your kind of guy.
  12. Politifact is a liberal progressive operation. They need to take their so called Truth-O- Meter and shove it sideways up their collective assholes.
  13. Misogyny? What the hell do you think you fucking liberal progressive Democrat assholes are doing to Amy Coney Barrett? You fucking hypocritical phonies.
  14. Should be a very boring debate. Just like they all use to be before Trump decided to run for president. And if Trump tries to ask Biden about Joe's plan to pack the Supreme Court, Joe's plan to lock down the country again to fight covid, or Joe's financial scandals the moderator will step in and say that those subjects are not to be part of the debate. Trump will be forced debate both Biden and the moderator, just like he was forced to do in the NBC town hall moderated by Savannah Guthrie.
  15. You think you are so fucking intelligent, but you are so simple minded. If the Democrats win the Senate by one seat while retaining the House and gaining the presidency they will change the whole political future of the country. By simply eliminating the filibuster rule in the Senate they will be able to pass any legislation that they want with just a simple majority in the Senate and House. That includes increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court which will result in a liberal progressive Court. Then they will grant citizenship to all illegal immigrants, thus greatly increasing the Democrat majority in the country. Democrats will also make the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico U.S. states which will give their party 4 more senators. They will also eliminate the electoral college, so that power to choose a president will rest with the large cities with rural areas essentially having no say in presidential elections. The U.S. will become what California is, a one party state. Not to mention that the news media will be supportive of everything Democrats do, no matter how illegal or unconstitutional their actions are.
  16. If people had to pay for betraying their country almost every Democrat politician would be in prison.
  17. Members of Biden campaign are beginning to doubt presidential election poll numbers. Say race is much closer than polls are showing.
  18. He got us out of Vietnam, the war that Democrats John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson got us mired in.
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