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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The most important word in the headline of this story is "allegedly". Who made the allegation, a Democrat official?
  2. Yeah, the dangerous precedent will be enforcing the law instead of protecting criminals like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch did.
  3. Now maybe STNCLD can understand why I support Trump. It's not about Trump. It's about saving America from a bunch of crazy people.
  4. Spoken like a true member of ANTIFA. Thank you for being honest. Too bad Joe and Kamala can't be.
  5. I wish Joe and Kamala would reveal as much about what they intend to do if elected as Golfer06 and U-O812 reveal. Of course, if Joe and Kamala were that open and honest Trump and the Republicans would win in a landslide.
  6. And how are you going to deprogam us? And the person behind the curtain is the one who is telling the senile Joe Biden what to do and say.
  7. Did you threaten to put your neighbor into a government run reeducation camp? And I get along perfectly well with all my neighbors, but none of them are as crazy as you are.
  8. So you lied. And American taxpayers will also pickup the tab for government run healthcare, you fool.
  9. No, if "Sleepy Joe" says he's against those policies he loses the support of the Crazy Bernie and AOC wing of the Democratic Party, but if he says he supports those policies he loses the support of 2/3 of the American voters.
  10. I hope the whole thing is unredacted, maybe then we can see everything that was told to Obama about Hillary's plot and so that we may find who all else was involved in the plan.
  11. If all those policies are so popular with the American people why won't Democrats campaign on them and make them known to everyone?
  12. Show me one case in this country where one American citizen or non citizen has been denied access to a doctor.
  13. Typical way that dishonest liberal progressives like you lie and distort things. I express that I will defend myself if a radical Democrat government attempts to put me into a reeducation camp and you call that a terrorist threat?
  14. Go back and see what Golfer posted. And it was the Obama Administration that put children in cages and separated them from their parents.
  15. Only if you try to put me into a Democrat government run reeducation camp.
  16. Who told the American people, "If you like your health insurance you can keep your health insurance, and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." ?
  17. You don't have a house, it belongs to your parents. And the Brennan note to Obama was from CIA documents declassified by the DNI.
  18. So why won't Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tell the American people whether or not they plan to expand the size of the Supreme Court if the Democrats take control of the House, Senate, and Presidency? Why won't they tell the American people that the Democrats plan to eliminate the electoral college? Why won't they tell the American people that Democrats intend to enact the New Green Deal? Why won't Democrats tell Americans that they intend to grant amnesty to all illegal aliens and tear down the wall on our southern border? Why won't they tell the American people that they intend to raise taxes on middle class Americans? Why won't they tell Americans that Democrats plan to eliminate private health insurance and impose a government run healthcare system? Why won't Democrats tell the American people that they will make Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico the 51st and 52nd states of the United States?
  19. No, just telling you what will happen to anyone that tries to put me in a liberal progressive reeducation camp if Democrats win control of our government. It was you who made the suggestion that I should be put there with President Trump.
  20. Sorry about that. Golfer criticizes me so much, that I just figured it was meant for me. Plus, it's almost 2:00am where I live and I am very tired.
  21. But you carry stupid with you 24/7 everyday, that's all part of being a liberal progressive Democrat. Sounds like you need a drink or a pill to keep you from completely losing it.
  22. Do you ever watch the news? A newly declassified note written by John Brennan reveals that John Brennan notified Obama of Hillary's plan to smear Trump with the phony Steele Dossier during the 2016 election.
  23. Try putting me in a reeducation camp and see how long it takes for you or whoever attempts it to become a dead man.
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