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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. If we defund the police and hire more social workers to do their jobs, I predict we will have a lot more dead social workers.
  2. But Black people killing Black people in American cities is a fact.
  3. Why don't you ask Black people why they are killing each other?
  4. And to which political party do police unions donate the most money to in the U.S.?
  5. I don't know why Black people kill Black people. Maybe you can tell me why.
  6. Yes, Black lives are in danger, and mostly from other Black people. Innocent Black people are killed everyday in America by Black gang bangers.
  7. Typical liberal response. Accuse me of saying something I never said. Progressive liberal and liar are interchangeable terms.
  8. And being a police officer is not a crime. When police officers are called to a crime scene how do they automatically know who is an innocent citizen and who is a criminal? They also need to take actions to make sure they are not harmed or killed. 99% of police officers do perform their job in such a way that innocent citizens are not harmed nor killed.
  9. And liberal progressive do-gooder Democrats have run the city of Chicago forever. The last time Chicago had a Republican mayor was 1931. The current mayor of Chicago is Black, the new Police chief of Chicago is Black. The previous mayor was Rahm Emanuel ( President Obama's chief of staff when Obama was president) and the police chief previous to the current police chief was also a Black man. They all have one thing in common. They are all liberal progressive Democrats.
  10. The statement matters because it is a truth you want to ignore.
  11. No, the Washington Post is biased because it is biased.
  12. Talk is cheap. You couldn't do the job of a police officer. You wouldn't last a week in one of America's inner cities. I think police officers across America should all stay home for one week, and then see what happens.
  13. It's meaningless to talk about police brutality in the inner cities without also talking about crime and violence in the inner cities. The two problems are linked and will never be solved without addressing both problems at the same time.
  14. Black people kill more Black people each year in the U.S.than are killed by police officers. Are you saying that statement is a lie?
  15. Police don't imprison anyone, the courts do that.
  16. Can't handle the truth, little liberal progressive snowflake?
  17. If you are a Black person killed in America there's a much higher probability that you were killed by another Black person than being killed by a White person or a policeman. And that is a statistical fact.
  18. And you distort peoples words to fit your agenda.
  19. And Democrats have created those "wrong turn" hell holes in the name of caring compassion for Black people.
  20. I agree that "All Lives Matter", but if I go out and say that right now the news media and Democrats will brand me a racist. That's how they shut up any people who do not agree with their ideology. Most Americans agree with the idea "All Lives Matter" , but right now they are afraid to say it for fear of being branded a racist.
  21. Come to America right now and say "All Lives Matter" and see what happens to you. See what the main stream news media does to you for that statement.
  22. There is nothing wrong with the vast majority of the American people. That includes Black, White, etc. The problem is the politicians who exploit and amplify any racial strife for political gain. The biggest problem with America is not the American people, it is Washington DC and the Washington DC swamp dwellers who don't give a damn about the American people (Black or White). The reason Trump beat out Republican politicians in the 2016 primary and was elected president is because he wasn't a politician. Americans are fed up with fucking politicians. That's why Congress has a 20% approval rating.
  23. According to Democrats in America that statement automatically makes you a racist. Just recently a broadcaster for a professional basketball team made that same comment and he was immediately fired from his job.
  24. The latest I heard on tv this morning is that Derek Chauvin and George Floyd had "run ins" with each when they were both working as security guards at the same night club. Apparently Floyd didn't like how Chauvin treated some patrons of the club. So Derek Chauvin killing George Floyd may have been a personal vendetta and had nothing to do with race. It will be interesting to see what more info comes out about this in the future, and how willing the main stream news media will be to cover it.
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