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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. There is to be a million person protest march in Washington, D.C. this weekend. President Trump wants the National Guard there to provide security, but the Democrat mayor of the city has ordered the National Guard and other Federal troops to leave the city. So if there is uncontrolled, looting, burning, destruction, and violence in Washington D.C. this weekend the mayor has no one to blame but herself.
  2. I suggest people read a new book by Alex Berensen entitled, "Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns."
  3. Here's how I'll follow from here? Why would I want to waste my time commenting on your comments?
  4. I didn't distort your words. You said what you said. I just asked who it is that you want to become infected with Covid-19. When did I claim to be a scientist or doctor? I have reported claims of doctors who have been treating Covid-19 patients. Check out the work of Dr. Stephen Smith in New Jersey and the work of Dr.Ivette Lozano in Texas.
  5. And the authorities in Minneapolis who didn't give a damn are all liberal progressive Democrats who claim to be so concerned about the welfare of Black people.
  6. What subject? Covid-19 and treatments for the disease? I thought that's what this thread was about.
  7. So does that mean you wish me to have the virus because I say more testing of hydroxychloroquine needs to be done. Does that mean you hope the doctors who have been successfully treating patients with hydroxychloroquine become infected with covid-19 and die?
  8. Yes. I understand the scientific process. But the studies you have cited are about specific treatment processes, and almost all studies were of hospitalized patients. I'm waiting for results of studies which use the treatment procedures of doctors who have had success with the drug in treating covid-19. And again, why would doctors continue to treat their patients with a drug if they were not having positive results from the treatment? Double blind studies are the "Gold Standard" of scientific research, but they are not the only standard. Was there ever a double blind study done to validate using penicillin to treat syphilis? Were there double blind studies to validate the original successful small pox vaccinations? Was the original successful treatment for rabies subjected to a double blind study? Do you deny that those treatments work?
  9. Has everyone been on the wrong track with this drug? Why would doctors who have spent their lives working to cure diseases and save lives continue to treat their patients with a drug unless they knew that the drug works? When a doctor repeats a treatment numerous times and continues to get the same result does that not count for something?
  10. The George Floyd protests have proven how phony the news media and establishment have been in touting the covid-19 economic shutdown. They attacked the people who marched in protests against the shutdown for spreading the virus. But the same people openly support the George Floyd protests, totally ignoring the covid-19 risks. Also, the shutdown regulations in many states have stopped gatherings in churches, but at the memorial for George Floyd yesterday the church was packed with people. And data has shown that Black people are more at risk from covid-19 than are White people,.
  11. Because you are happy about any news that reflects negatively on hydroxychloroquine. Just like the people who wrote the DAILY MAIL article are happy which is evidenced by the DAILY MAIL's headline, " Hydroxychloroquine does NOT treat Covid-19 : Biggest study into the Donald Trump-backed anti-malaria drug is ended with 'immediate effect' after researchers found it made no difference." Why the need to include Trump's name in the headline? Because they hate Trump and will publicize anything that reflects negatively on him.
  12. I just read the article on the Recovery Study. The study was done on hospitalized patients. The lead author of the study, Professor Martin Landray said, "the results do not necessarily mean the tablets cannot prevent people from catching Covid-19 in the first place, which several studies are still investigating." The doctors I've seen in the U.S. who have had the most success with hydroxychloroquine treat patients in the early stages of the disease before they have been hospitalized. Lets see what these other studies show.
  13. My point is that you are happy that the study shows the drug does work. Why? You don't want a cure for covid-19? I will be happy when ANY drug works against covid-19.
  14. There is also a possibility that the killing of George Floyd was personal and not racist. Chauvin and Floyd knew each other, they both worked at as security guards at the same night club. Why not wait for all the facts to come out before we jump to conclusions?
  15. No, you just ignore facts that don't fit your agenda.
  16. No, I'm not serious about this; but BLM and the Democrats are.
  17. But liberal progressive Democrats have controlled government in almost all these racist U.S. cities for at least 50 years. In Minneapolis the last time there was a Republican mayor was 1973. Derek Chauvin had 18 previous complaints against him. Why did the liberal progressive government leadership in Minneapolis keep him on the police force?
  18. In the protest marches I've seen signs that say "Defund the Police", "Abolish the Police", and "Close Jails". Many Democrat politicians agree with those signs. I think we should do a one month trial run on those policies. For one month all police officers in the country should stay at home off duty and all jails and prisons should be closed and prisoners released. Lets see how that works out.
  19. I would think that people would be happy for any drug that might work against covid-19. But it seems that the news media, Democrats, and people on this forum are actually hoping that hydroxychloroquine does not work. Why?
  20. Okay. Far more Black people are killed by other Black people everyday in the U.S. than are unjustifiably killed by police officers in a year.
  21. Hands up don't shoot was a total lie. Michael Brown attacked the police officer in Ferguson and attempted to take his gun.
  22. Maybe if China and the WHO had informed everyone sooner of how dangerous the virus was nations would have acted sooner.
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