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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Bacteria molecules are much larger than virus molecules, so a mask that is effective against bacteria may not work against a virus.
  2. Show me the clinical double blind study proving that. That's the gold standard, right?
  3. Could someone please show me the double blind study proving that masks protect people from a virus?
  4. Fine, you post what you want and I'll post what I want. This argument started not with you disagreeing with my comment, but rather with you disagreeing with me posting it.
  5. i wonder how many of the politicians who are promoting wearing masks leave their masks on when there are no cameras around. Just like CNN's Chris Cuomo was berating the general public for not wearing masks and social distancing, but when he tested positive for covid-19 and was suppose to self quarantine he was caught out riding his bike in public without a mask and not social distancing. Fucking hypocrites.
  6. The "political crap" I spoke of between Trump and Biden is U.S. internal politics, and since you are not a U.S. citizen is probably none of your fucking business. Biden keeps hammering Trump about not encouraging people to wear masks, and apparently it is Biden supporters (young people) who are not wearing masks and practicing social distancing in Florida.
  7. According to THE DAILY BEAST "Florida hospitals are flooded with partying young people". How can that be? Haven't we been told that young people are Biden and Democrat supporters?
  8. Originally it was the great Dr. Fauci who said there was no real benefit in wearing a mask, and then later on changed his story. If Trump didn't take the threat seriously why did he stop travel from China in January and later on stop travel from Europe? And when he did that people like you and Joe Biden opposed the move. Also, Trump did not block protection measures at his events, liar.
  9. So you have no problem with Gov. Cuomo who required nursing homes to accept covid-19 positive patients. You said Fauci didn't make the numbers. Well, Gov. Cuomo did. Look at the number of covid-19 deaths in New York compared to the rest of the U.S. Also, look at the number of nursing home residents who died in New York.
  10. Alladino will give those people a pass because he shares their political philosophy.
  11. No, it was the idiots of the Communist Party of China that caused this whole mess in the first place. Trump did everything that Fauci and Birx told him to do and they both confirmed that fact.
  12. Democrat cities contain a large portion of the population but a small part of the geographical area. Also, only certain areas of cities contain most of the problems.
  13. Just the Democrat run cities. Rest of the country is fine. When I travel into town to go shopping many times I leave my house unlocked. People in the inner cities would never consider doing that.
  14. No, it's just a fucking fact which you do not wish to admit. Most of the people killed are other Black people. I want to stop the killing and to allow people of all races to live in peace. So why haven't liberal progressive Democrats solved all the problems that cause the violence in our inner cities? They have run almost all of those cities for at least 50 years. Obama was president for eight years and he did absolutely nothing to stop the violence or improve the lives of people in the inner cities.
  15. And not "All People" commit as many violent crimes as do Black people in America.
  16. The BLM lovers on here will just ignore those facts and call you a liar, or blame the killings on the guns.
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