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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. They did try to arrest him normally, that's when he began resisting arrest and fighting with the officers. During the struggle on the ground with the officers he grabbed the tazer and took off running.
  2. There will be a second wave of covid-19 in the U.S. even if there is not a second wave because the Democrats need covid-19 to keep the economy shutdown and stop Trump from campaigning. Covid-19 is a part of the Democrats 2020 campaign strategy.
  3. As another part of the tragedy in Atlanta, there is video of the person who set fire to the Wendy's restaurant. The arsonist was a White woman dressed in black with a back pack. Can you say ANTIFA?
  4. The domestic and foreign policies of Donald Trump are 100 times better for the U.S.'s future than anything the Democrats want to do. End of argument for the 2020 election. Your deep personal hatred of Donald Trump blinds your ability to see that. I'm more concerned about the future of my country than I am about irrelevant personality defects.
  5. One officer shot the man, not both officers. Previous to the shooting I saw nothing that the officers did wrong. The man was reported to the police as being asleep in his car in the drive thru lane of Wendy's restaurant. The police gave the man a sobriety test which he failed. They then attempted to arrest him for DUI, at which time the man fought with the police, grab a tazer from one police officer and took off running. The police chased after him on foot and while running away the man aimed the tazer at one of the officers. That was when the policeman shot and killed him. From what I saw one officer did absolutely nothing wrong. The shooting itself was probably not justified if the tazer is the only weapon the man possessed. Before we lynch two police officers why not wait for a full investigation is completed?
  6. And the last time Atlanta had a Republican mayor was 1879. The current mayor is a Black woman. Since 2002 every mayor of Atlanta has been African-American. They have also all been Democrats.
  7. I read an article several weeks ago that said U.S. stimulus payments are not taxable.
  8. There are anarchist elements in this country who try to promote racial division for their own political purposes. Many of the businesses burned by rioters in Minneapolis were owned by Black people. Also, many of the people setting the fires were White and not residents of Minneapolis.
  9. If you want a different Black perspective on the race problem in the U.S. check out the views of Shelby Steele and Robert Woodson.
  10. Guess we better stop talking about Hydroxy on this thread before Moos complains about us being off topic.
  11. Also, there was no guarantee of making money. At the time I invested the $4000 the market was crashing. Instead of making money I could have lost the full $4000 I invested.
  12. In many places in the U.S. it is not even legal to treat Covid-19 patients with Hydroxychloroquine.
  13. Or on a street in downtown Chicago, the murder capital of the U.S.
  14. For an off topic question. Is it true that Hydroxychloroqune is widely used in Turkey to fight Covid-19?
  15. In Seattle, WA. a White super liberal progressive Democrat mayor abandoned a police station and turned it over to protesters against the wishes of a Black woman police chief.
  16. If Joe Biden does win in November he had better do a great job, because Trump can run again in 2024.
  17. Oh yeah, what would happen if China or Russia decided to start destroying orbiting satellites? What do you think that would do to the world economy?
  18. You don't live in the U.S., so I don't give a fuck as to who you want to win our election. But thanks for finally showing your true colors and your real agenda.
  19. I just heard Nancy Pelosi saying she wants Confederate statues in the u.S. Capitol removed. I wonder does she also want the statue of Robert E.Lee and Stonewall Jackson that her daddy dedicated in Baltimore, MD when he was mayor in 1948 removed too? Another "inconvenient truth", Al Gore's daddy who was a U.S. Senator from Tennessee was a staunch segregationist, and so was Bill Clinton's hero and mentor Senator J. William Fulbright from Arkansas..
  20. And police unions are major donors to the Democratic Party, so don't expect them to do anything against the unions.
  21. Did I say anything about Trump? Plain and simple, you hate America. That is very obvious with almost everything you post.
  22. That just shows how biased and unfair the news media is and how you seek out only news stories that support your cop hating agenda.
  23. If you want an answer to who hired Derek Chauvin and why nothing was done after eighteen complaints, I suggest you ask the BLACK police chief of the Minneapolis police department and the liberal progressive Democrat mayor and all the liberal progressive Democrat members of the Minneapolis city council.
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