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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Solve the inner city crime problem and you will be taking a big step towards solving the problem of police officers mistreating Black people.
  2. And mostly they treat themselves badly. Check out the crime statistics. Far more Black people are killed by Black people every year than are killed by police officers. But no one wants to talk about the problem of Black on Black crime. Why not?
  3. When are Democrat mayors going to stop the killing of innocent Blacks and Hispanics by criminals in their cities? Why do the news media and Democrats never want to talk about that problem?
  4. Racism is a two way street. There are White people who hate Black people just because they are Black and there are Black people who hate White people just because they are White.
  5. All three of your main parties sound socialist to me. Also, you cited BLM in your previous posts. BLM wants to abolish police in America, would you be in favor of that in Canada?
  6. So you don't want liberal progressive government in Canada, but you want liberal progressive government in the U.S.?
  7. Protesters were not tear gassed. Also, they were not all peaceful. Some were throwing bricks, rocks and bottles at the White House police. The night before protesters injured 50 secret service police and set fires, including setting fire to the church Trump went to visit. The secret service cleared a larger area in front of the White House for security reasons. The protesters were given three orders to move back before the police used smoke bombs and pepper balls to move them back.
  8. Too bad BLM doesn't organize marches to remember the Black brothers and sisters who are killed everyday in our inner cities. I guess their lives don't matter.
  9. The truth is that the Trump presidency has done more for Black people than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama ever thought of doing. And I never did see Donald Trump wearing black face which is more than the CANADIAN prime minister can say.
  10. If Nike and other corporations care so much about Black people why do they not close their cheap labor factories in China and relocate them to the inner cities of America to provide jobs for Black Americans?
  11. Romney is a nothing nobody loser. He follows whatever course is politically expedient for him. He is just like 90% of other politicians, all words and no action. The news media and Democrats hated him and made him out to be a racist and a terrible individual when he ran against Obama in 2012. Now that he is in opposition to Trump he's their big hero. Such phonies. That's probably the closet the rich elitist Romney has been to Black people in 10 years.
  12. Barack Obama was probably the most divisive president of my lifetime.
  13. You confuse me. It's the Washington DC establishment who most vigorously oppose Trump's decision to remove the troops, but then you side with that establishment against Trump. Trump was also opposed to sending troops into Iraq when George W. Bush invaded, but now you take Bush's side against Trump.
  14. Not as happy as I am. Will save us even more money. So why are European leaders opposed to us leaving? Don't you even read German newspapers?
  15. Your answer shows that you don't even understand what i was talking about. The Washington DC establishment has been selling out the American people for years. They sent most of our high paying middle class factory jobs to China and other places around the world. That happened under Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. Previous to Covid-19 Trump gave the American people a booming economy with high employment numbers and low unemployment numbers. That included the lowest unemployment rate and highest employment rate for both Blacks and Hispanics in the history of the country. That's how you stop inner city violence. I never want to unite with the Washington DC establishment, they need to be removed from power because they don't give a damn about the American people.
  16. Not all Americans. Dig a little deeper into those statistics to see where those shootings are taking place and who is doing them. Or will you just ignore those facts because they don'e fit your liberal progressive agenda.
  17. To another topic. Trump has just vowed to pull troops out of Germany, and now Europeans are protesting that decision. Is that not what you wanted?. Make up you fucking minds. Maybe you can replace them with Russian troops. LMAO
  18. What I meant by being too sad is what will happen to my country and the working people of my country. To me that is too sad to joke about. This election represents the American people vs the Washington DC political establishment, and that establishment includes both Democrats and Republicans.
  19. Silent about what? There is much talk in America everyday about police brutality and racism, but hardly any talk about Black people killing Black people in American cities. Why do the news media and politicians not want to talk about that tragedy? THOSE BLACK LIVES DON'T MATTER????????????
  20. Sorry, but that is too sad to be funny.
  21. Wonder when West Virginia is going to remove all the tributes to Democrat U.S. Senator Robert Byrd who was a high ranking official in the KKK?
  22. If Democrats win the Presidency, House and Senate we can kiss the country good-bye.
  23. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. If someone is willing to break the law against murder do you seriously believe strict gun laws will keep him from getting a gun? Guns are not the problem, the problem is the people who use the guns. I was born and raised in a rural county of the U.S. where probably 75% of the homes have at least one gun. I'm 74 years old and the last murder I recall in that county took place in the 1950s, and the people committing the murder were bank robbers from outside the county.
  24. I wish you were here right now. I would take you to St.Louis, MO. I would drop you off in North St.Louis and allow you to walk around the streets for a day, so that you can see what the police deal with everyday. When I come back to pick you up I hope you are still alive.
  25. I don't think you reached your one million goal.
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