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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Safety fears of a drug that has been safely used for 65 years? But they have no problem testing potential covid-19 vaccines on humans? Wonder if it was China or the drug industry that put pressure on WHO to stop the hydroxychloroquine trials for fear the drug would prove to be a successful treatment for covid-19. China wants the virus to continue wreaking havoc on the world economy, and the drug industry is looking to make billions or trillions of dollars when they develop a vaccine or new drug for covid-19. Hydroxychloroquine is an inexpensive drug whose patent expired many years ago.
  2. Wow! Gov. Andrew Cuomo agrees that the covid-19 computer model projections were all wrong and caused him to make bad decisions..
  3. Better watch out, there are people on here who will claim you made up the story just because it doesn't fit their coronavirus doom and gloom scenario.
  4. You just lied again. My conversation had nothing to do with how I felt about people dying. My conversation was about how erroneous the studies were that had predicted what the death toll would be, and how policy decisions were made based upon those erroneous predictions.
  5. When did I ever say I "was a poor dog"? Every elderly person in America is eligible for Medicare regardless of how rich or poor they are. Medicare premiums are paid out of Social Security retirement benefits. And I have long-term care insurance through a private insurance company to whom I pay monthly premiums out of my own pocket.
  6. In both cases if one has the ability to buy insurance and chooses not to do it then that person bears the consequences of that decision.
  7. But "free" care is not free because you pay for it in higher taxes. So you can pay for healthcare through tax payments or take the money you do not pay in taxes and use that to buy health insurance. Either way, you are paying for healthcare.
  8. If you own a home and choose not to buy home insurance should everyone else be responsible for rebuilding your home when it burns down?
  9. And what about the possibility of no second wave? Plus, we know more about the virus and more about how to protect the most vulnerable. We now know that it is not too intelligent to require nursing homes to accept covid-19 positive patients.
  10. You were untruthful about me again. No where on that whole page did I say anything about being happy that only 50,000-60,000 people were going to die. The only one who said anything close to that was Alladino, not me.
  11. But people who are able to pay out of pocket should be required to pay if they have no insurance. If they are able to pay out of pocket then they have the ability to buy health insurance. If someone is financially able to buy insurance and chooses not to do so then that is their problem.
  12. It's very simple. You are an asshole and "I Am Happy" is not. Calculations have nothing to do with that evaluation. Happy was just trying to inform, you attempt to belittle and put down people while trying to show how brilliant you are.
  13. se if you have the ability to pay you or your insurance must pay the bill. Free treatment is only for those who do not have insurance and do not have the ability to pay.
  14. At the same time that China and WHO were saying that coronavirus could not be transferred from human to human China was buying and stockpiling PPE supplies.
  15. You just demonstrated that you know absolutely nothing about the U.S. healthcare system. People who do not have health insurance and cannot afford to pay for medical treatment are covered by Medicaid. No one who goes to an American hospital is refused treatment, that includes illegal aliens. One of the major reasons hospitals charge high fees to insurance companies and individuals who pay for medical services is so that they can treat people who are unable to pay. Elderly people like myself are covered by Medicare.
  16. Another one of your many lies. Show me where I claimed that the death toll would only be 50,000-60,000. I was hoping for a figure much lower than that. Only Democrats and the news media are hoping for people to die, thinking that it will help them to defeat Trump and the Republicans in November.
  17. I blew up your phony calculations and you try to construe that as me not caring about people dying? Everyone on here knows that I meant your calculations had no basis in reality, not that the deaths were not real. What a slimy weasel you are.
  18. Please don't cry, sorry I hurt your little feelings. You couldn't find the article because it doesn't exist. You were wrong. I would never paint you as being perfect and confirm your opinion of yourself.
  19. You are a pseudo intellectual phony. Who are trying to impress? People who know nothing about mathematics? You take what is a simple calculation and make it into a major endeavor. But it doesn't matter anyway, because that calculation has no connection to reality. Since the death rate is on a steady decline, an average of past deaths/day has no relevance for future projections.
  20. I know what you did. You took the number of deaths over two months, divided by two and then multiplied by 12 to project the number of deaths per year. And in this case it was playing with numbers because that calculation had no basis in reality.
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