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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Check out the March 25,2020 article in ATP SCIENCE entitled " Hydroxychloroquine : How Does It Kill the Covid-19 Virus? "
  2. Not sure it does either. There is also some evidence that it may actually keep people from being infected in the first place. A number of doctors in the U.S. have been taking it to protect from becoming infected with coronavirus.
  3. Per an April 12, 2020 story at CLG News a French study of 1,000 coronavirus patients, including seniors, saw a 98% success rate with hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin regimen. Study was conducted by a research team headed by Dr. Didier Raoult.
  4. Yeah, that was when people actually spoke to each other face to face in person.
  5. The 5.5% rate is so far from what the final recovery rate will be that it is meaningless. Do you really believe that 94.5% of infected people are going to die? I'll wager that at the the end of the pandemic that the recovery rate is very close to 98%.
  6. I don't have a cell phone, so they might have trouble tracking me.
  7. Don't think I want to turn my personal medical information over to Google and Apple.
  8. The way I see it, if you are infected eventually you either recover or you die. If the death rate is 3.9% and the recovery rate is only 5.5% does that mean we are waiting to see if 90.6% of all the infected people in the U.S. are going to recover or die? At this point I don't see the 5.5% recovery rate as being very meaningful.
  9. I trust the U.S. death rate figure much more than I trust the world death rate figure. Also, what is not figured into the death rate and recovery rate is how many people were infected but only had minor symptoms so they were never tested. For the most part in the U.S. only people who show symptoms have been tested. Just recently have we started widespread testing.
  10. Sorry, but I don't recall saying anything about Trump in my last three comments.
  11. Here is what I would do to reopen the U.S. economy. It appears that 98% of the people infected by the virus recover. So first I would require or recommend that the people most adversely affected by the virus ( the elderly and those with medical conditions) to continue their isolation. I would institute widespread testing to determine who is presently infected and who has been infected but now have an immunity to the virus. I would require the infected people to quarantine until they are virus free. I would allow the rest of the population to return to work and to school. Those people returning to work and school could still observe mitigation policies at work and school.
  12. Speaking of idiots. I just read an article by CCN posted on MSN that claims just smoking a little pot causes complications with the coronavirus. But when the governors closed down businesses in their states almost everyone of them allowed pot shops to stay open as an essential business.
  13. I reply to all the attacks on Trump by Europeans and other non-Americans and I, the Yank, am the fault of the thread going to hell? If all the comments on here were anti-Trump you would have no problem with people talking about Trump.
  14. No, it's non Yanks who keep bringing up Trump. Go back and read the last couple pages of this thread.
  15. Fact! Andrew Cuomo and Bill DeBlasio are in charge of New York state and New York City respectively. New York state has close to 45% of the coronavirus deaths in the U.S.
  16. All that video clip did was prove Trump changed his attitude as he learned more about the coronavirus which is the intelligent thing to do. How many European leaders also changed their opinions as they learned more about the disease? And it is true, you do not want a cure which is worse than the disease. Time will tell whether closing down our economy was worse than the disease. Maybe we could have done something other than shutting down the economy that would have been even more successful.
  17. And the same thing can be said about many other leaders in Europe. Why did Italy and the rest of Europe not stop travel to and from China in December or January? Trump stopped travel from China to the U.S. on January 31, 2020.
  18. No. You have no idea of what you are saying. You don't understand our federalist system of government.
  19. Again, you just talk from Trump fueled hatred. Trump never said 'he preferred the economy to the health of his people'. The statement that Trump murdered people is a stupid, ignorant bullshit comment. Also, Trump never said with the first heat of April the pandemic would disappear. He said that he hoped the coronavirus would behave like most flu viruses and die off with the heat of spring and summer. You really should get your facts straight before you make such wild accusations. Also, the U.S. economy affects the health of the U.S. population. Poverty causes a lot of health problems. Right now many people don't have health insurance because the economy is shutdown.
  20. If Trump had ordered the country shutdown in January the news media would have accused him of acting like a dictator, and the Democrats would have again accused him of "abuse of power" and started impeachment hearings again.
  21. Maybe you need to read something else, like the U.S. Constitution..
  22. Andrew Cuomo made decisions for New York state., and DeBlasio made decisions for New York City. And that is a fact. I'm sorry that you cannot accept that.
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