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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Dead economy will result in dead people. The economy is what enables people to live.
  2. My question to government officials who say our economies should not be reopened until we have a cure or vaccine for the coronavirus is, how do we financially support everyone until the economy reopens? When businesses and employees have no income they pay no taxes, so where will governments get money to support everyone?
  3. The last thing I want to be called is the Marxist term "comrade", and I would never ever want to be your comrade.
  4. Is talking about how China and the World Health Organization screwed up stopping the spread of coronavirus considered to be political or coronavirus commentary?
  5. You are such a phony and so dishonest . You post hateful rantings; and then, when someone complains about the posts you claim your comment was distorted by Google. You exhibit traits of schizophrenia.
  6. It's also not possible to have a meaningful conversation with a complete idiot like you.
  7. The rantings of an mentally ill idiot who has no idea of what he is talking about. If you are typical of German politicians, Germany's future is bleak.
  8. It will probably take two or three more years to determine if the rest of the world or Sweden was correct in their approach to fighting the coronavirus. That success or failure will need to be measured by both the number of deaths over that period of years from covid-19 and by the damage done to nations' economies because of the shutdowns. Sweden may in the end suffer short term pain for long term gain. By keeping their economy/society open the Swedish population may acquire a herd immunity to the virus and suffer limited numbers of deaths in future years. The rest of the world may experience many more deaths from several more outbreaks of the virus; plus, suffer the pain of severely damaged economies.
  9. Beijing has a population of 20.4 million and reports 8 deaths from the coronavirus. Shanghai has a population of 27 million and reports 7 deaths from the coronavirus. LMAO
  10. Sounds like you need to spend more time worrying about coronavirus in your country and less time criticizing America's handling of the virus.
  11. I apologize for my comment to you. I thought I was replying to a comment from Maturin.
  12. I invite Stncld to review today's comments on this thread today and see who started the nastiness.
  13. Yeah, get rid of anyone who doesn't agree with you. Is that the European group think way?
  14. In that case, sounds like you need to be more concerned about what is happening in your country rather than what is happening in the U.S.
  15. And you know nothing about what is happening in the U.S., other than what the biased liberal news media shows you. Hey Mods, he just called me a jackass.
  16. Does that go for Sweden too? Seems their approach of no economic shutdown is working pretty well. Why does no one want to talk about that strategy?
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