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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Actually, he wasn't fired. He was transferred to a different position. Now he's claiming whistle blower status.
  2. Who said the president is the one firing the guy? He's being fired by the agency where he works.
  3. I heard they have been trying to fire this guy for almost a year. It's difficult to fire career bureaucrats. If that's true, then firing has nothing to do with hydroxychloroquine nor coronavirus.
  4. I just checked most recent figures for my county. As of today we have had 21 cases and one death from coronavirus. Damn governor is from Chicago, so the idiot sets policy for the whole state based upon what is happening in Chicago.
  5. The fucking fat ass governor in my state just extended our lock down through May 31. Also, now required to wear a mask when out in public. I can't even find a place that sells masks. Nothing on Ebay.
  6. Like I said, the real evaluation will take place three or more years from now. Both health consequences and economic consequences will need to be considered in those evaluations.
  7. It will be interesting 3 years from now to see if the Swedish approach was the way to go or whether the approach followed by most of the world was the way to go. Only time will tell. I just hope the evaluations are objective, fair and unbiased.
  8. If we wait until a vaccine( 12 to 18 months) to reopen the economy we are severely fucked years into the future. People don't seem to understand that.
  9. I guess the answer then is to keep the economy closed forever because it will never be safe to go out.
  10. More politicians and people in the news media need to lose their paychecks, then maybe they will understand the plight of the unemployed.
  11. Of the deaths the vast majority were elderly and people with chronic health conditions. For most of the population the virus does not cause severe illness. Why not a new policy of isolating those who are in most danger( the elderly and chronically ill) from the virus while allowing the rest of the population to live a normal life and keep the economy functioning?
  12. You choose your experts. I'll choose mine. Also, how long do people need to stay at home? The shutdown has already caused 26 million Americans to lose their jobs. Eventually, there will be no economy to reopen.
  13. My opinion about Hydroxychloroquine is based upon info from other doctors' work and the testimony of people who have taken the drug, not the president's opinion.
  14. You are the sheep who blindly follows the dictates of "so called experts" and authority figures. I have more original ideas than you could ever hope to have. Your subjection to authority figures severely limits your ability to have original thoughts.
  15. That was Dr. Bright's side of the story. I think you need to dig a little deeper before coming to a final conclusion on this. There's a bit more to this dismissal.
  16. I totally accept responsibility for my actions. At least I am not a phony like you. You are a leftist advocate who claims to be politically neutral. You remind me of "news reporters" in the U.S. mainstream media.
  17. If they don't have the ability to accurately predict, why do they try? Government policy was based upon those unrealistic predictions.
  18. The U.S. government VA study has also been "very criticized within the medical profession because of their methodology."
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