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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Go tell someone dying from covid-19 that we need to do a systematic two year study on a promising drug before we can treat him with it.
  2. The term "expert" is meaningless. It's subjective. Who determines which person is an expert?
  3. I consider the doctors who have been treating people with this drug and observing positive results to be part of the "experts".
  4. "There is no evidence that this works" is a total and complete lie. Also, if you drink too much alcohol it will kill you too. Too much of almost anything will kill you. That's why drug dosages are prescribed by doctors.
  5. Two years from now I can see the government bureaucrat Dr. Fauci proclaiming our clinical studies have determined hydroxychloroquine in combination with other drugs is an effective treatment for covid-19. What good does that do the people who died from covid-19 in 2020?
  6. I know all about double blind studies. I also know that it takes much time to conduct those studies. People need treatment right now. Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be a safe drug for fifty five years.
  7. I'm not trusting Trump on this, I'm trusting the work of doctors who have been treating patients with hydroxychloroquine; and the statements of patients who have been cured with the drug. That's also what Trump was doing.
  8. Dr. Fauci's scientific model that last week predicted 240,000 people could die from covid-19 has now been revised down to 60,000. How useful is that expert model? If an expert is always wrong when does he cease to be an expert?
  9. I believe in the truly objective scientific process, but a lot of the scientific process today has become contaminated by politics. Science in the middle ages was dominated by religion. Science today is becoming dominated by politics.
  10. There was a time when the establishment medical "experts" believed that "bleeding" a patient was the proper way to treat disease. There was also a time when so called establishment "experts" stated as fact that the earth was flat, and those who dared to say that it was a sphere were considered to be kooks.
  11. Why is Gov. Andrew Cuomo considered to be such a big hero by the news media and Democrats when his state has 40% of all U.S. deaths from the coronavirus? That sounds like failure to me. He talks a big game, but is short on real results.
  12. But there are doctors in the U.S. who have been using hydroxychloroquine combined with antibiotics in the early stages of the disease and have had success in curing the disease. In fact, they say the earlier the treatment is started the higher the success rate.
  13. I didn't say they approved it for use, I said they "okayed" the use of it for treatment .
  14. So why won't the establishment and the news media not take seriously the positive results numerous doctors have been having with hydroxychloroquine? I also don't think it is funny when "Morning Joe" and his idiot wife on MSNBC accuse President Trump of touting the drug because Trump wants to personally make money off it.
  15. I'm fine. Nothing has really changed that much. Since I'm retired, I spend most of my time at home anyway. Just miss going out to eat once or twice per week. Biggest problem is that I haven't been able to see my girlfriend for about a month now. We agreed to stay apart until it is safe to be together.
  16. Can't get out there. The government has confined me to my home. lol
  17. No, I just see the media and political establishment for who they really are.
  18. So who are your experts? The same people who said 2.2 million Americans would die from the coronavirus? The people prescribing the drugs are doctors.
  19. I know how to make the news media and American establishment believers in hydroxychloroquine. President Trump should announce that because there is such a short supply of the drug, only Republicans are eligible to receive it.
  20. Because the news media and the American ruling establishment hate Trump, so they will never support anything he is in favor of. Sadly, that includes people in healthcare.
  21. Nobody using it? The last I heard 72% of the doctors in Spain are prescribing it for their covid-19 patients. Sounds like you need a new source for your news. Go to the internet and type in hydroxychloroquine and see how many stories pop up about how widely it is being used.
  22. And how long will those studies take? This drug has been used since 1955 with very few side effects recorded. Also, the FDA has given the okay for using the drug to treat covid-19. Check out the work done by Dr. Stephen Smith of New Jersey.
  23. The drug is already proving to be helpful. People are dying right now, we don't have time for the results of If you watched something besides CNN you would know that. In a month the so called experts who are opposed to using the drug to treat coronavirus will look like flat earthers.
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