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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I believe in my beliefs, you only believe in things that someone else has told you are facts.
  2. More pseudo intellectual bs disguised as knowledge. You are so full of shit that it is coming out of the top of your head. No, actually I just consider Trump to be the President of the United States. I protect myself.
  3. I told how much I paid in federal income tax last year. How much did you pay?
  4. I pay no attention to anything written on the businessinsider blog nor the atlantic blog because they are both liberal progressive publication which distort and mislead.
  5. No, you are lying about the tax cuts. Which is what you and the Democrats always do do. You've never paid income tax, so you know nothing about tax rates.
  6. Thank you for once again displaying your ignorance of my country. Yeah,with my $60,000 worth of retirement income I'm really fucking everyone else in America. Your highly educated stupidity amazes me.
  7. Your sources are not legitimate. Most of them are left wing liberal progressive blogs which distort the truth.
  8. Not true, little Russian agent. Before Trump's tax cuts I had to write a check to the IRS when I filed taxes almost every year. The last two years because of the Trump tax cuts I have received a refund check instead of writing a check.
  9. And your facts are only what other people tell you are facts.
  10. Rates have been lowered since Trump became president. That's one of the advantages of not living in a socialist country, you're allowed to keep more of the money you've earned.
  11. Actually, I have six plus years of college and two college degrees.
  12. No, actually I'm enjoying this and the rest of my life.
  13. Yes, because my beliefs are mine and not what someone else has told me I should believe.
  14. Still never told me how much income tax you paid last year, little phony.
  15. Why can Europeans not handle criticism of their beliefs? Maybe it's because their beliefs are not something they have arrived at on their own. Could it be that European education is more indoctrination than it is teaching people how to think for themselves.
  16. And the opinion of an elitist prick like you means nothing to me.
  17. Yes, I see you have been well indoctrinated in your schools.
  18. Invading Crimea was just a little adventure? And he did that because he knew Obama was a wimp who would do nothing to stop him. Allow Putin to make Germany dependent on Russia for energy and see what happens. He won't need to use military force to bring you to your knees.
  19. And you have the expertise? I don't think so. Your thought process is unimpressive to me.
  20. Problem is, Putin doesn't know the cold war is over. He wants to rebuild the Soviet Union.
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