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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Only evil sick people like you want to resort to violence to resolve political disputes. So now we see who the real fascist is.
  2. So says the no skills king of copy/pasting @trump45sucks.
  3. Blue is what you will be at the end of election night in Nov., 2020. You might even need three Valiums once all the election returns are posted at the end of the night.
  4. So anyone who voted for Trump is "rabble"? Like I said to you before, you are an elitist prick and with every comment you post you reveal that fact. Are you the member of some noble family in Germany, that's how you come off? It was the so called "rabble" that built America and made this country great. When was the last time you got your lily white hands dirty doing any real work, Mr. Better Than Everyone Else Elitist German Man of Nobility?
  5. You are the one who is brainwashed. Keep repeating the Democrats and news medias' lies. Sorry, but Americans know the truth through their everyday experiences. Just like I know my taxes are lower under Trump, even though the Democrats and the news media keep pushing the lie that only the rich benefited from the tax cuts.
  6. And that's what Democrats want to do to the U.S. economy.
  7. Maybe that's because you don't want anyone to know that you are Russian agent.
  8. Ever since Joe Biden announced his candidacy for president all I've heard from the news media is how he is leading the pack and will be a big challenge for Trump in November;and then, after the first primary election it sounds like his campaign is as good as over.
  9. You've still never told us how much you paid in income tax last year, little freeloader. What you hiding,the fact that you are a Russian agent or that you are just a little boy still being supported by mommy and daddy?
  10. You need to back to kindergarten. Something went badly wrong with your warped mind a long time ago.
  11. Germany fought and lost two wars attempting to dominate Europe. Now Germany is trying to dominate Europe through the EU. That's why you are angry with the UK leaving the EU.
  12. Take care of your country and we'll take care of ours. The last thing we need is advice from a fucking German who knows absolutely nothing about what is going on in the U.S..
  13. Good bye. Better take your heart medicine, sounds as if you are about to blow a gasket, mate.
  14. I'd rather be a proletarian than be an elitist bourgeoisie like you who thinks he is so superior to others that he believes his shit doesn't stink.
  15. Don't cry, just because no one on here loves you.
  16. But you still never told me how much income tax you paid last year. I guess that means you are a freeloader living off the labor of other American taxpayers.
  17. For someone who has no original thoughts I can see why you don't understand.
  18. You've never ever made one beneficial statement on here!
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