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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. When is the last time the Democrats ever did the right thing on any issue? Everything Democrats do is political and for the purpose of increasing their power and control over the lives' of the American people.
  2. He was reading the question of a Democrat senator, dumbass. What is really epic is your stupidity.
  3. So that makes Bolton pretty spineless. You are beginning to believe your own propaganda.
  4. John Bolton may have some credibility problems with his his recent claim that President Trump told him that aid to Ukraine was being withheld until Ukraine promised to investigate the Bidens. In an August 27, 2019 interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Bolton described President Trump's two phone calls with Zelinsky as "warm and cordial". If he was so upset with the President's behavior over withholding aid to Ukraine, why was he still praising the president's behavior in August, 2019? Video of this interview can be seen at redstate.com.
  5. Notice that they said witnesses and not a witness. Why did the news media not ask if the president's attorneys should be allowed to call witnesses as well as the Democrats, or why did they not ask if Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, and the whistleblower should be called as witneses? Probably it's because they knew they would have gotten a 70% approval to those questions.
  6. Correction: It was a Texas state house election and not a U.S. Congressional seat. The election was in a suburb of Houston and Democrats had expected to turn the seat in their favor from the Republicans. The winning Candidate was Gary Gates. Everything else in my original comment was correct. The election was reported on by Reid Wilson of the Hill.com on 1/29/2020.
  7. Her's a truth for you. Yesterday there was a special election for a seat in the U.S. Congress in Texas. The Democrats were sure they could turn a Republican seat Democrat in this election. Final result: DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE 42% , REPUBLICAN 58%. That's what will happen across the nation on Nov., 2020.
  8. Yeah, 70% of the 10 people who are paying any attention to the trial.
  9. Take your stupid bogus, biased truth-o- meter and shove it sideways up your asshole.
  10. Yeah, let's continue this farce for 6 more months, and needed legislation for the American people be damned. This impeachment is nothing but Washington D.C. bullshit which the vast majority of the American citizens are tired of. The Democrats will pay a big price for this in Nov., 2020.
  11. He hasn't been on for awhile. He must have gone to pick up his welfare check.
  12. So why did you cite their latest poll on impeachment? Just proves how dishonest and deceitful you are.
  13. If John Bolton testifies that Trump told him that aid to Ukraine was put on hold until Ukraine agreed to investigate the Bidens, then the Bidens have to be investigated to see if Trump was justified in wanting the Bidens investigated for corrupt activities in Ukraine. Therefore, if Bolton testifies then the Bidens must testify or there is no true justice..
  14. So according to trump45sucks the person accused of a crime should not even be allowed to call witnesses in his trial. That sort of sounds like a trial that would take place in China, Cuba, Venezuala, North Korea, or the former Soviet Union. That kind of tells you who trump45sucks is doesn't it?
  15. So you want the trial in the Senate to be the same as the House hearings where only Democrats are allowed to call witnesses? To a Stalinist like you that probably sounds completely fair.
  16. Almost everything you post is irrelevant and meaningless.
  17. Bottom line: Trump will not be removed through impeachment and Trump will be reelected president in Nov., 2020.
  18. And who was that NSC spokesman, Lt. Col. Vindman's twin brother, who may have also leaked info of Bolton's book to The New York Times ?
  19. Yes, testimony is needed from Adam Schiff, the whistleblower, IG Michael Atkinson, Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden.
  20. You want the truth? And you are a supporter of Adam Schiff? LMAO
  21. Democrats and the news media are such phonies and hypocrites. They were all concerned that President Trump was going to get us into a full out war with Iran, and it was John Bolton who was pushing the policy of war with Iran when he was Trump's NSA. In fact, that was one of the reasons President Trump fired Bolton. But now that they believe Bolton might be able to take down Trump, John Bolton has become their big hero.
  22. Senate Democrat Doug Jones says he has a problem with the second article of impeachment of charging obstruction of Congress. Looks like Chuckie Schumer might need to crack his whip in order to keep Senator Jones in line.
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