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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And your comment reveals that you are an elitist prick who believes his shit does not stink. Thank God we gained our freedom in the 1700s from elitist assholes like you. If you had your way I would not even be allowed to question anything you say.
  2. Liberal policies are sensible to liberals, but not to sane people. Who is the Fascist Party? It's the liberal progressive Democrats who want to ban free speech on college campuses, not Republicans.
  3. No, the Democrats with their bogus unconstitutional articles of impeachment are destroying the U.S. Constitution and making a mockery of the impeachment process. Nancy Pelosi claims she is protecting the country and the Constitution. She in fact is doing severe damage to both the Constitution and the country, and I doubt that she has ever read the Constitution because she has never exhibited any knowledge of it that I have seen.
  4. It's because I love my country that I voted for Trump for president and why I will vote for him again in 2020. If you Democrats love this country so much, why do you never have anything positive to say about it?
  5. And your attitude is so pure, right? Your juvenile profile graphic tells everything about you.
  6. Did you take your meds today? You seem to be losing it.
  7. The face of the USA is much better than the face of your country.
  8. Epstein was a member of Trump's country club. And when Trump learned that Epstein was harassing young women employees of the club Trump had him kicked out.
  9. So if you call it a colloquialism then it's not name calling? Sounds like an attempt by an elitist to deny that he is a name caller when he calls people names. LMAO
  10. You have no facts, just a repetition of news media and Democrat talking points.
  11. And here is an example of the horrible thoughts you keep typing out here, mate.
  12. trump45sucks is mentally deranged and delusional. Just go back and look at his posts. Whenever he says that one of Trump's lawyers would argue that Adolf Hitler was innocent of crimes against humanity just as a way to discredit the attorney's credibility is that not deranged?
  13. But it's alright for you to throw insults, right mate. So are you saying that you complained to the mods, because you are a wimpy backstabber who can dish it out but who can't take it.
  14. When winning an election is based upon winning electoral votes, you run a campaign to win electoral votes. If the election had been based upon the popular vote,Trump would have run a campaign to win the popular vote. Trump didn't even campaign in states like New York, California, and Illinois because he knew he had no chance of winning those states. California and New York are where Hillary's big popular vote came from . If winning the election were based upon winning the popular vote, Trump would have campaigned in New York, California, and Illinois and he would most likely have greatly reduced Hillary's margins of popular vote victory in those states.
  15. Like I said before, you are mentally deranged and delusional. Actually, it was Hillary that cheated and she still lost. You are the one in for a rude awakening when you see the size of Trump's victory in Nov., 2020.
  16. Who cares what a bunch of ignorant people like you think.
  17. #1 Trump will not be removed from office through impeachment. #2 Trump won the 2016 presidential election when all the so called media experts said he had no chance. #3 Donald Trump will be reelected president in 2020.
  18. And you need to go drink some more tea and see if you can replace Prince Harry, I hear there's an open position as the Duke of Sussex.
  19. You are the one melting down because you can't handle the truth, mate.
  20. You know exactly what Trump meant by that comment, but you are so intellectually dishonest that you construe a figurative comment to be something literal just to disparage Trump.
  21. The Democrats are the ones melting down. If Bernie wins in Iowa and New Hampshire all hell will break loose in the Democratic Party.
  22. Not the end of story. The foundation of the impeachment is based upon whether or not Trump was justified in asking for the Bidens to be investigated. The only way to determine that is to investigate what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine.
  23. Not nearly as ignorant as you are. What Trump said is if he had carried out the policies of John Bolton as NSA , that Bolton would already have us in World War 6. But you wouldn't want to be honest and truthful about anything that Trump does would you?
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