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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. 28 eight people talking about this? Why, what is there to talk about?
  2. Also heard that the Russians will not allow U.N. humanitarian aid into that portion of Syria. Is that story of any interest to you?
  3. So you just pay for your medical care in advance whether you need medical care or not. Your healthcare system sounds a lot like the U.S. Medicaid plan which covers people who can neither afford health insurance nor pay for their medical treatments. People don't lose their homes if they have private insurance to cover catastrophic health costs. To have or not have insurance is a personal decision, if you want to take that chance.
  4. Personally, I have no complaints about my healthcare plan, but my plan is totally separate from Obamacare. Obamacare was set up to fail in hopes that Americans would become so frustrated that they would want the government to take over and institute a single payer system. A government run single payer system was always the goal of Barack Obama, but he knew he could never sell that to the American people; so he opted for this sneaky round about way to bring about a single payer plan.
  5. The Democrats latest plan for a "fair" impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate is for the Democrats' impeachment managers to be allowed to call witnesses, but the president's defense team not be allowed to call witnesses. That sounds fair. Wonder if Trump's atty's will even be allowed to cross examine the Democrats' witnesses.
  7. But I'm waiting for him to tell me. He's the one who said it was free.
  8. Free? You mean the doctors, nurses, and administrators work for free and it costs nothing to operate the hospitals and clinics? And all the medications just appear out of thin air for free? Utopia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Obama came from the state where I live. While in our state legislature he was an unknown nobody who had no real accomplishments as a legislator. He then became a U.S. Senator from this state by using dirty politics to take out his Republican opponent (Jack Ryan) prior to the general election. Obama again was a big nobody in the U.S. Senate from 2005 thru 2008. His biggest claim to fame was the 2004 speech he gave to the Democratic National Convention. If Barack Obama had been a white man with his resume he would have been laughed off the stage when announcing he was running for the Democrat presidential nomination against Hillary Clinton. If he were not Black he would have never even beat Hillary in the primary let alone becoming president. The color of his skin protected him through the presidential elections and through his eight years in the White House. People were afraid to criticize him for fear of being branded a racist. Barack Obama was a little boy who pretended to be president for eight years.
  10. Sadly, what you say is very true. The reporting of news is slanted by the political agenda of the people reporting it. Very little pure factual news reported anymore.
  11. So except for the Wall Street Journal, mostly left wing publications. Do you watch any conservative independent media or just left wing independent media? If you watch Youtube and are such a fan of Bernie Sanders, how did you miss Bernie's speech where he said he would try to put fossil fuel executives in prison for committing crimes against the climate if he were elected president?
  12. But Trump is not an idiot. Trump is probably thirty times more intelligent than anyone else in Washington D.C. He knew exactly what he was doing when he took out the Iranian terrorist general. It was not a spare of the moment decision as the news media has try to portray it, but instead was a well calculated move intended to send a message to the mullah's and the other thugs around the world that if you kill American citizens this is what will happen to you. And that we will not kill low level people, but instead will go after the leaders who plan and order terrorist attacks.
  13. When it comes to the mainstream media in the US ( tv , radio, newspapers, magazines) it's all the same. In fact, most of them use the same sources for their stories.
  14. Again, what publications do you read and what US political shows do you watch for your political info about the US? Why will you not answer that question?
  15. And the way the Democrats regained the House was by running moderate candidates who said the would go to Washington and work with Republicans and President Trump to pass legislation that would improve healthcare, rebuild infrastructure, etc. But since they have been there all they have done is work on impeaching the president. The Democrats will pay a price for those lies in Nov., 2020.
  16. Probably, because they are so fair and unbiased, right? LMAO
  17. What publications do you read and what US political shows do you watch?
  18. And you have proven to me that you are a complete and total fucking idiot when it comes to understanding American politics. You are so out of touch with American voters.
  19. And I live among the American people, so I think I know much more about America than you do. Since you don't live in the U.S., what are the news sources you use to obtain your political information about the U.S.?
  20. No, actually I've thought out and evaluated on my own. Speaking of talking points, all you've done in this conversation is repeat Bernie Sander's talking points.
  21. So I live in the U.S. and you live in Britain, but you know more about my country than I do? is that your argument?
  22. Yes I do. Private health insurance which allows insurance companies to sell policies across state lines which is presently not allowed, that will increase competition and lower premiums, co-pays and deductibles. Also, allowing insurance companies to tailor health insurance plans to fit the needs of customers. Those type plans are not allowed under the Obamacare. Also, not requiring people to buy insurance if they do not want it.
  23. Actually my country is doing great right now. Much better than Britain is doing.
  24. Who is angry? I'm just pointing out your stupidity. You want to see angry? Watch Bernie Sanders, the always angry old washed up Marxist.
  25. I've been an American citizen for 73 years and you know more about my country than I do? You just proved that you are an elitist pompous fucking idiot.
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