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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And I still believe you are slick talking card carrying Democrat hack. And Democrats didn't vote along party lines in the House of Representatives on impeachment? Democrats had said they were going to impeach Trump long before any of this Ukraine hoax ever came up.
  2. Trump is finished in your dreams. In Nov., 2020 he will turn your dreams into a nightmare for you and the Democrats.
  3. The Republican Washington D.C. establishment is not much better. There are a lot of Republican Senators who would vote to remove Trump from office if it weren't for Trump having a 95% approval rating with Republican voters. They know voting for his removal would be political suicide for them.
  4. Speaking of voters deciding things, how does it feel to see the Democratic Party establishment and the mainstream media attempting to destroy Bernie Sanders? The DNC will never allow Bernie to win the nomination for president. Now Bernie will be able to see firsthand how the Washington D.C. establishment and the news media have treated Donald Trump ever since he announced he was running for president.
  5. I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because I was tired of career politicians who promise to do things to improve the lives of working people in America and then do nothing or support policies that actually make working people's lives worse. I will vote for Donald Trump in 2020 because he has pursued policies that have improved the lives of working people in America.
  6. You've shown me who you are with your comments.
  7. So why do you make so many inane comments? Tell me, Mister Brilliant, why should people vote for Democrats? What are they going to do to improve America and the lives of Americans?
  8. You mean like when the illegal aliens and dead Democrats in Chicago turn out to vote in big numbers?
  9. People like you probably don't even know where to go to vote.
  10. Here's better ,fool. Alan Dershowitz has more integrity in the finger nail of one of his fingers than you have in your entire body.
  11. I think you've been smoking too much weed and popping too many pills.
  12. When Adam Schitt gives his opening statement to the Senate I expect he will repeat or have a new version of the lying parody he gave of President Trump's phone conversation with the President of Ukraine during the House investigation. At least with Adam Schitt it's easy to know when he is lying, that's anytime his mouth is moving.
  13. I'm angry? Anger and hatred is all the Democrats have motivating them. You are the one who sounds angry. Your CC profile graphic shows how angry and sick you are. No, the only way Democrats can get elected is by lying. That's why Obama doesn't want Bernie Sanders to get the Democrat nomination. He knows Bernie is too truthful about what he wants to do to the country. Obama wanted the same things as Bernie, but he lied about and hid his real agenda in order to get elected.
  14. And you are an idiot. Who would ever be stupid enough to listen to anyone who has an infantile CC profile graphic like you have?
  15. I've thought for myself as long as I've been alive. I don't think you are capable of an original thought. You almost sound as if you are on the payroll of the DNC or the Russian government.
  16. Fuck Politifact. They're about as impartial as CNN and MSNBC. Politifact is probably three progressive liberals with a computer and a fax machine.
  17. And the Democrat Senators are so impartial and unbiased, right? They've been calling for Trump's impeachment since Jan. 20, 2017. LMAO
  18. Why does the Queen of the Democrat Party( Hillary Clinton) who is suppose to be such a big champion of women's rights spend so much time with sexual perverts like Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffery Epstein?
  19. Polifact is nothing but another left wing organization.
  20. You had better stick with Canadian politics. Your map shows that you are totally ignorant of U.S. politics. That is the most ridiculous map I have ever seen.
  21. You are the one who has been conned by the Democrats and the news media. Unfortunately for you and the Democrats, the American people see the truth and will vote accordingly in Nov., 2020.
  22. At least Kami had good orgasms when she bated under the covers..
  23. Let's see what you say when the Democratic Party gets wiped out in the 2020 election. What have they done for the American people for the last three years?
  24. Lev Parnas is Michael Avenatti #2, and will most likely end up in the same place as Avenatti.
  25. And with whips, handcuffs and bondage. That would be everyday real life.
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