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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Sorry, AOC, I know you hate capitalism, free enterprise, and corporations, but the fact is that capitalism, free enterprise, and corporations have done much more to build America and our standard of living than government could have ever hoped to.
  2. If AOC gets her way the government will tell how your home is to be built, what kind of vehicle you can buy, what type food you are allowed to eat, etc. All in the name of saving the earth from climate change.
  3. But I'm suppose to completely change my way of life just to satisfy what is currently in vogue about the climate?
  4. The best way to guarantee a Republican landslide victory in the 2020 election is for AOC and the Squad to become the face of the Democratic Party. So hurrah, AOC, The Squad, and Bernie Sanders. I'll root you on as you take the Democratic Party over the cliff. Maybe they can repeat George McGovern's success in the 1972 election.
  5. Good. I hope AOC is able to help a bunch of crazy progressive liberals win Democrat Congressional primaries against moderate Democrats. Those type candidates can win a general election in New York and California but not in the Midwest. So AOC may single-handedly help the Republicans win back the House.
  6. Yes, it's happening. Why do you think all the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington D.C. hate Donald Trump so much and are working so hard to remove him from office? If Trump wins a second term draining of the swamp will accelerate.
  7. In the April 28, 1975 issue of Newsweek there was an article where scientists were warning of global cooling which would cause reduced agricultural production for the rest of the century. How correct were they?
  8. Why the hell was the airport in Tehran even open several hours after Iran had sent missiles into Iraq? They knew there was a possibility of a return attack by the U.S. at that time.
  9. No, they are waiting until they can figure out some way to blame it on Trump.
  10. Bernie Sanders. He calls himself a socialist, but he is really a Communist. When he was married in the spring of 1988 he and his wife spent their honeymoon in the Soviet Union.
  11. I wonder if the activity of man caused the Ice Age or maybe ended the Ice Age or is it more likely that nature did both ?
  12. You said you don't believe in religion. But you do believe in religion, you believe the new religion of man made climate change.
  13. I'm saying the actions she is suggesting to save the planet are stupid, and will do nothing to save the planet but will destroy our economy. Again, I don't normally take advice about how the world should be run from socialist bartenders.
  14. If the climate is changing, there is a higher probability that something like sun spot activity has more to do with it than does man .
  15. And how many members of Congress are going to vote to expel someone from Congress for doing the very same thing that they are doing?
  16. And much of the data upon which that IPCC report was based was found to be flawed and in some cases purposely corrupted to get the result they wanted. Also, their projections for future temperatures are based upon computer models which do not include all the factors that can effect climate change. If the data fed into a computer model is flawed then the final results coming out of that computer will be flawed. Also, if we did everything that is in AOC's Green New Deal how much would we lower the earth's temperature over the next 100 years?
  17. What makes more sense is for man to adjust to the changing climate.
  18. Again, you have proven you know nothing about my country. AOC just described 90% of the members of her party (Democrats) in Congress including Nancy Pelosi. The President is actually held to a higher standard than Congress because he can be removed from office through the impeachment process.
  19. Man made climate change is a lie. Man has neither the ability to change climate for the good nor for the bad. Why should I take advice about the climate from someone whose only job before being elected to Congress from a 90% Democrat district in New York City was working as a bartender? AOC has a mouth that is bigger than her brain. One of her advisers even admitted that her Green New Deal was really an economic plan and not a climate plan. Both Bernie Sanders and AOC are admitted socialists who want government to take over the U.S. economy. Venezuela turned their government over to a socialist bus driver, how well did that turn out for them? So I don't think the U.S. should turn it's government over to a socialist bartender.
  20. The parties in the U.S. are made up of career politicians who are only concerned about their personal power and doing what they need to do to get reelected. Those politicians, especially the Democrats , don't give a damn about the American people. One of the major reasons Trump was elected president is because he was not a politician nor part of Washington D.C. Trump, since being elected, has been working day and night to implement programs that benefit the American people. That's why the career politicians of both parties, the main stream news media, and the Washington D.C. government establishment all hate Donald Trump.
  21. What makes you think Trump or China will allow him to do that? What if Trump tells China, 'If you allow Kim to build more nuclear weapons we will put nukes in Taiwan and South Korea.'
  22. That's pretty cold and unfeeling on your part. If Iran took out a Canadian city with a nuclear missile would Trudeau do anything about that?
  23. But how effectively were they enforced before Trump? And if Kim is so happy with the present situation why did he throw the temper tantrum over the holidays? Because he thought he could bluff Trump into easing the sanctions. Didn't work though did it?
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