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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I think that girl is also a friend of Katya. Kammi and Katya have the same hometown.
  2. I think Kami has a message for all the Kami haters on her new sleep mask.
  3. Actually,as a viewer you have no right to demand anything of these girls except that they allow you to watch their lives while they are inside the apartment. You have no right to demand how they behave just because their lives are not what you want them to be.
  4. Per Kitek's translation it was her ex-bf from her hometown that she was with at the party in the apartment. That was right after she broke up with Egor who she was dating for about a month. Egor was also from her hometown, but living and working in Moscow.
  5. I believe the last time she had sex in the apartment was either November or December of last year.
  6. Kami has fucked three guys on camera in the apartment. She also almost fucked her ex-boyfriend from her hometown; but he didn't want to do it on camera,so he just finger fucked her instead. She might have screwed another guy if she hadn't kicked him out of the apartment for being too rough with her while they were making out in the kitchen.
  7. You must be new. There have been many different guys in this apartment since Feb.,2016.
  8. Oops, looks like Kristy gave up on the guy passed out on the couch and has moved on to try with another guy.
  9. Has this guy been in the apartment before or is this another new dick for Kristy's pussy?
  10. Also,another point about Justice Ginsburg. If I were the Trump Administration I would demand that she recuse herself from any cases that come before the Court involving President Trump because of the statements she made about Donald Trump before he was elected president. She has definitely displayed a blatant hostile bias against President Trump.
  11. No,I want a judge that interprets the law as it is written,not as he/she wants it to be. If you don't like a law,then work to have Congress change the fucking law. Example: Currently the U.S.Constitution states a natural born citizen must be 35 years old to be elected president. Let's say a 21 yr old wants to be president and feels he is being discriminated against because of his age and he some how gets to argue his case before the Supreme Court. I could see a liberal justice ruling that he is being discriminated against and rule that he should be allowed to run for president. A conservative judge would rule that the Constitution clearly states what the age requirement is, and if you want the age changed then work to have the Constitution amended.
  12. Supreme Court decisions should be based upon the U.S. Constitution and laws passed by Congress, period. It's not their job to take the side one group against another as you think they should. If a judge is personally happy with all his/her rulings,then he/she is not a very good judge. It is his/her responsibility to rule according to the letter of the law and not his/her personal belief of what is just or unjust. If you don't like a ruling which was based upon a correct interpretation of the law, then work to get the law changed. It is not the Supreme Court's responsibility nor their right to rewrite laws or the Constitution. My biggest complaint about liberal Justices is that they essentially make decisions that conform to their political philosophy rather than conforming to the written law and the U.S.Constitution.
  13. How convenient. Now he can turn the investigation over to the Democrats in the House where it is easier for the truth to be avoided and easier to make up facts.
  14. I'd say where I think they are going, but I don't want to get into trouble.
  15. My two biggest complaints about this apartment are that they don't spend enough time in it and that I can't understand what they are saying. I'm not happy with the lack of action in the apartment, but if I could understand the conversations and they weren't absent so much I could still enjoy KKK. I consider any sex that occurs to be a bonus. I know I'm in the minority, but I enjoy watching this place just as a soap opera.
  16. It's now for certain Kami is leaving today,she just made her bed. Or she is going to have her pussy waxed again.
  17. Kaley and Kami must be leaving today, they're both out of bed before 08:00.
  18. What confuses me is why the people who only watch RLC for the sex are willing to pay $45/month for something they can see for free on hundreds of other websites. I started watching RLC because of the real life aspect of the site which sometimes includes sex as a normal part of the girls' lives but not as the only thing in their lives.
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