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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You also need to consider the sad state of the economy in Russia. Even with an education I'm not sure there are that many economic opportunities available for the girls. RLC offered them a good deal and they took it.
  2. Looks like Kami is packing for her birthday vacation. All the Kami haters should now be happy. They won't have to watch her for a week or two, and all the uninformed speculators will have more sexual escapades taking place outside the apartment to speculate about. LMAO
  3. Dreaming is fine,but demanding sexual performances just to satisfy viewers' personal needs is something else. All these girls are required to do is live their normal lives in front of the cameras while in the apartment.
  4. Maybe if you followed her social media you would have some idea what she does when out of the apartment,rather than your no proof based wild,perverted speculations.
  5. They are showing their real lives. It's just that their real lives are not what YOU want it to be.
  6. Right now the girls in KKK don't have boyfriends, so what are they suppose to do; bring a new guy home every night to fuck just to satisfy all the sexual perverts who watch this site? Or should they engage in lesbian sex when they are not lesbians? How real is that?
  7. Good,then you'll get what you want until you decide that the new girls aren't showing you enough sex to satisfy you.
  8. The way I see it, the KKK apartment in Moscow came about because of how popular Kami and Kristy were in Barcelona. I figure RLC came to Kami and Kristy and offered them the apartment in Moscow if they allowed RLC to show their lives 24/7 on the internet, so why would the girls not accept that offer. There is no way the girls could afford such an expensive apartment on their own. But I don't believe there was anything in their RLC contracts requiring sexual performances. The only requirement was for them to be themselves in front of the cameras.
  9. The KKK girls are who you watch everyday on RLC. If you think the Barcelona apartments are real life you must know a lot of weird people in your personal life. RLC started out as what its name implies, Real Life Cam but has morphed into a porn site because that is what viewers want it to be. Unfortunately, the girls at KKK do not fit what RLC has become because they are not porn actors. I wish that RLC was still what it was originally intended to be, a public viewing of people's real lives 24/7, but it is not. I concede that RLC has become just another porn site as opposed to being real life. So the people who watch RLC solely for the sex have won and people like me who want to watch real life have lost. Enjoy your victory. Since the KKK girls don't fit what RLC viewers want I don't expect that they will be here much longer.
  10. So is the purpose of RLC to show us people's real lives or to put on the shows you demand? Are these girls suppose to totally change who they really are just to please people like you?
  11. Why do you think Democrats say they are against illegal immigration,but are opposed to the wall? It's because they know the wall will stop the large flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border. The wall is a very big deal. Illegal immigration is the primary reason California is now basically a one party state. The Democrats master plan is to flood the U.S. with poor immigrants who will be another large block of Democrat voters just like African-Americans are right now. Trump has always said America will pay to build the wall and then force Mexico to reimburse us.
  12. And if the Democrats oppose a lot of legislation that the American people want they will commit political suicide. Every member of the House of Representatives is up for reelection every two years. Also,it looks like the Republicans are going to increase their majority in the U.S. Senate.
  13. I enjoyed the night Kami and Kaley couldn't find the cat. It was funny as hell watching them searching all over in and out of the apartment for the cat.
  14. I think the truth is that except for the traveling and modeling work both Kami and Kaleys' real lives are pretty boring. Kristy's life is a bit more eventful because of her dancing career.
  15. Appears Kami and Kaley are shopping for more clothes.While Kami was sitting on her bed I noticed she was viewing the ASOS website on her laptop. Sorry to disprove the fantasy that the girls are always looking at porn or contacting guys to fuck when they are on their computers or phones.
  16. I don't know if the girls are having sex outside the apartment or not. What I do know is that since I don't understand Russian, we no longer get any translations of the conversations, there is hardly any action in the apartment, the girls spend a lot of time outside the apartment, and now the girls post very little on social media any more; this place has become very boring and not very entertaining. Same old routine over and over, day after day.
  17. Looks like the black dressed twins are getting ready for another night at the clubs.
  18. Describe it anyway you want, it's still just speculation as to what you believe they are doing outside the apartment. However, I do have social media evidence that most of the time they are spending the nights at Moscow clubs.
  19. All I'm saying is that unless you have some physical proof that the girls are having sex outside the apartment, your claims are just pure speculation. I don't know if they are or are not having sex outside the apartment, but I would never state as fact that they were unless I had some concrete proof of it, and you have none.
  20. Outside the apartment lover didn't do a very good job. Kami still can't sleep.
  21. Yep,she changed her panties,so that is definite proof she had sex. LMAO
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