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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Even with the lack of sexual action,I could still enjoy watching this apartment as a real life soap opera if the girls didn't spend so much time outside the apartment and if I understood Russian.Their PUBLIC social media accounts also help to give more insights into the girls' lives. Unfortunately,I don't understand Russian,the girls do spend a lot of time out of the apartment and there is not much action inside the apartment,so for those reasons the apartment is no longer very entertaining to me.
  2. But apparently Kami did not tell Chris about the cameras,because when he discovered the one in the bathroom he asked if it was a security camera to watch the maid with.
  3. The 3K apartment is a bit different from most of the other RLC apartments.In almost all the other apartments the people having sex are all consenting participants of RLC.Sex in the 3K apartment is a bit tricky because the guys the girls bring to the apartment are not RLC participants.Should the girls carry RLC paperwork in their purses so that they can have a guy sign an RLC consent form before they bring him back to the apartment? I remember Chris(the American dude) asking Kami if the camera in the bathroom was a security camera for watching the maid.Since the Chris and Kami sex show can still be viewed on porn sites,I wonder if any of Chris' friends have ever told him that they watched him in a porn video fucking a beautiful Russian woman? How would you feel if you met some beautiful woman in a club,she invites you back to her apartment to spend the night,and upon entering the apartment you discover that there are cameras in every room of the apartment?
  4. Wow,I just discovered thread has been revived.Unfortunately,same old conversations.
  5. It's sad to see liberal progressive fools believing their own lies. Only a complete and total idiot believes the myth of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to rig the 2016 presidential election.
  6. Actually,it is just the opposite.Men who did not have close,loving relationships with their mothers as children are more likely to be rapists than are men who did have close,loving relationships with their mothers.
  7. If the Dow drops 1000 points please explain to me what "High crime or misdemeanor" Trump is guilty of. If anyone should be impeached it should be members of the Federal Reserve for raising interest rates.Notice how the Fed kept interest rates at near 0% for all eight years of the Obama presidency?
  8. Washington Post a favorable Trump news source?That's one of the best jokes I've heard lately.The owner of the Washington Post,Jeff Besos,hates Donald Trump.
  9. Avenatti is a complete fucking idiot who has never been successful in anything he's ever tried. Anyone who takes him seriously has severe mental problems. Megan McCain can't run her own life,let alone trying to manage a political campaign. You need to stop watching CNN so much.It's beginning to warp your mind.
  10. I'm actually looking forward to the food fight which will take place to win the Democrat nomination for the 2020 presidential election. They could have as many as 25 people running for the nomination. Each one trying to appeal to the lunatics in their party.
  11. Not necessarily my favorite song,but my favorite album for Halloween is "Survival of the Fittest" by Ted Nugent.My favorite Halloween song on that album is "Papa's Will".
  12. I just saw a Democrat spokesperson on Fox News tonight.From what he said,it appears the latest strategy of the Dems will be to claim that Judge Kavanaugh committed perjury when he explained the meaning of things written in his high school yearbook 35 years ago. LMAO The Democrats truly are insane.
  13. You don't understand,the Democrats will do the same thing to whomever Trump appointments.Character assassination is part of their strategy.If Trump abandons Kavanaugh Trump's supporters will abandon Trump. Every Democrat and Republican in Washington DC knows these rape charges are bogus.They are just waiting to see how American voters react to this.Why do you think Lindsay Graham was so angry about this?He knows that Democrats are attempting to personally destroy a good and decent,well qualified man just for the purpose of political advantage. This is exactly how Joseph Stalin got rid of his political rivals through the Soviet legal process.Stalin said "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime". In other words,tell me who you want to get rid of and I'll find a crime to charge him with.
  14. Both Bob Corker and Jeff Flake are young men who expected to continue their careers in the U.S. Senate,but they made a bad political calculation.Immediately after Trump was elected president they decided it would be a smart political strategy to oppose Trump(even though they are Republicans)in order to become popular with the news media.That strategy backfired on both of them.They became so unpopular with voters in their home states because of that decision that they decided not to run for reelection because they knew they could not win. A few months ago President Trump held a rally in Bob Corker's home state of Tennessee.Corker was on stage with Trump.When Trump introduced Corker to the crowd,Corker was booed off the stage by the people of his own state.
  15. Unless somehow the FBI discovers that Kavanaugh did something wrong,no Republican senator who wants to be reelected can vote against Judge Kavanaugh.Judge Kavanaugh is too popular with Republican voters for them to vote against him.
  16. All you need to know about politicians in the U.S. is that the purpose of getting elected is so that they can get reelected. They will say and do whatever they need to say and do to win an election.
  17. The mistake you are making is assuming that all Democrats will vote against Kavanaugh.Like I said before,you do not understand U.S. politics.Watch to see how Dems Joe Manchin,Heidi Heitkamp,Joe Donnelly,Jon Tester,and Claire McCaskill vote. The only two Republican senators I really worry about are Jeff Flake and Bob Corker because their senate careers are over and they hate President Trump.
  18. By the way,this will be the 7th background investigation the FBI has conducted on Brett Kavanaugh since he entered public service.Nothing negative has ever been discovered and this supposed attempted rape took place 35 years ago.
  19. Republicans abandoned establishment Republican politicians in the 2016 presidential primaries for Donald Trump.I thought Jeb Bush was suppose to be the automatic nominee in 2016.What happened????????????????
  20. The Democrats will insist on some other investigation.This is all just a calculated game on their part.All they are trying to do is postpone the vote until after the 2018 election in the hope that the Democrats can take over the U.S.Senate and thus stop Brett Kavanaugh and any SCOTUS appointments made by President Trump. That is why Sen. Feinstein sat on the letter from Dr.Ford for two months,waiting until the committee was ready to vote before revealing it.
  21. Someone please explain to me how a Republican senator can possibly be reelected without the support of Republican voters,and if any senator votes against Brett Kavanaugh Republican voters will abandon them.
  22. The results of the FBI investigation will give cover to red state Democrat senators and wimpy Republican senators to vote for Kavanaugh. All the FBI can do is go back and interview the same people that the Senate committee interviewed.If any witness changes their story they will be guilty of perjury either for lying to the FBI or lying under oath to the committee.In committee testimony all the people who Dr.Ford said were present at the house when Judge Kavanaugh supposedly assaulted her say they have no idea what she is talking about. Dr.Ford does not know the date nor the place where the the assault took place 35 years ago,so what the hell is the FBI going to investigate?
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