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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Show me the videos or photos of the girls having sex outside the apartment.
  2. If Kami makes her bed before she goes out there may yet be hope for the night.
  3. No,she pays the taxi driver to take her to the club like normal people do.
  4. Kami,if you want to be really noticed at the clubs, wear that top without a bra.
  5. Looks like Kaley and Kami are going to spend another Friday night at the Moscow clubs.
  6. More disappointment for you. Per Kami's social media it looks like she is planning another trip. I'd say where to, but I'm not allowed to say. I figure she'll go for her birthday, which I believe is November 11.
  7. Why do the other fucking girls in the apartment not allow Kami private time when she takes a bath?When she is in the bath tub the fucking bathroom looks like Grand Central Station.When Kaley and Kristy are in the tub they are allowed their privacy.
  8. Appears Kami is bothered by something.Seems to have a hard time sleeping anymore.She's getting close to the 30 age,so maybe wondering where her life goes from here.She has also deleted a bunch of people from her Instagram following list and has not posted any new photos to her Instagram account for several weeks.
  9. No,the reason they don't attack Trump is because they know he is popular in their states.I guarantee you if attacking Trump would get them votes, that is exactly what they would do. Their maturity level? Apparently you haven't seen very many U.S, political campaign commercials.
  10. If Trump is so hated by the American people why do Democrat candidates running for election in 2018 not attack him in their campaign ads? Democrat candidate for the Senate in Tennessee says he would have voted for Kavanaugh,Dem. Claire McCaskill in Missouri says she is in favor of securing our southern border,Dem.Jon Tester in Montana sounds like a long time friend of Donald Trump,etc. If Trump were so hated by the American voters wouldn't it be a smart strategy for these Democrat candidates to attack Trump rather than to embrace him and his policies? And today I saw an ad by an Illinois Democrat Congress candidate where he states he would not support Nancy Pelosi. I'm surprised he didn't also say that tomorrow the sun will rise in the west and set in the east. Trouble is, a lot of liberal,progressive Democrats would probably believe him and look for the sun in the west tomorrow morning.
  11. I hear all these liberal news reporters blaming Trump's rhetoric for causing the actions of the bomber. If Trump or his family is attacked by some deranged individual, I wonder if those same reporters will blame themselves for their hateful Trump rhetoric and the Trump hating cartoons like the ones displayed in this CC thread?
  12. Kami is lying on Kaley's bed speaking to someone on her phone while wearing her earbuds.Must not want us to know who she is speaking to.
  13. My ridiculous postings? You are the one who said we should shoot immigrants at the border. Can't get much more ridiculous than that.
  14. Last night on Fox News Tucker Carlson was interviewing Jorge Ramos, news anchor for Univision, while Jorge was with the caravan in Mexico. Jorge kept saying it was America's moral obligation to take in all the immigrants,but when Tucker asked Jorge 3-4 times if he was willing to take some of the people into his own home, Jorge refused to answer the question.
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