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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Actually,I was kind of enjoying it. I was willing to discuss issues until I was called an idiot. Go back and review the conversation up to the point where I was called an idiot for disagreeing with his position on immigration.
  2. If you want to know how Democrat political operatives behave, check out the name Robert Creamer on the internet.
  3. Right on cue: Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have just issued a joint statement blaming President Trump for the bomb threats.
  4. I know where the bombs came from.President Trump hired some Russian agents to construct and mail them.
  5. Because of the "bomb threat coverage" there are no videos of the illegal alien caravan on tv today. Just a fortunate happening for the Democrats, or phony "bomb threats" initiated by the Democrats? How long will it take before Democrats blame Trump and Republican politicians for the "bomb threats"? One day or less?
  6. Couldn't be Kami. She has mysteriously disappeared again. Nothing on social media from her either.
  7. Go to Google or Bing and check for yourself,you'll find several sources for the info. You are the one with all the computer skills.
  8. Democrats "care" about immigrants for the same reason they "care" about Black people,VOTES. How long have Black people been voting for Democrats? Look what these so called caring Democrats have done for Black people in all the U.S. cities that they've ruled for almost 100 years. That's the same thing they will do for immigrants.
  9. You are the "group thinker",and are too stupid to even realize it.
  10. Change is not that hard.Hell,I use to believe in Democrats because I was taught they were for working people,and then I learned that they were all a bunch of fucking liars.
  11. But I don't think you'll ever talk intelligently.
  12. I just like being original.I guess that's why I'm not a liberal.I hate "group think". Appears you've been well indoctrinated.
  13. Appears you have sheep DNA in your heritage. Your relatives sheepherders who loved their sheep a little too much?
  14. German. My ancestors came here LEGALLY in early 1900s. I see you are trying to use the deceptive strategy of progressives. I'm not opposed to immigration,I'm opposed to illegal immigration. Are you too stupid to understand the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration?
  15. Nice simple answer,but not practical. Where do all those people stay while we're processing them? "Catch and Release" into the United States and then they never show up for their immigration hearings? That's how we got into the mess we have with illegals in our country right now. We already have a back log of 700,000 immigration hearings.
  16. And you're way too stupid. You still have not answered my question. WHAT DO WE DO WHEN ALL THOSE PEOPLE ARRIVE AT OUR BORDER? Maybe that's because liberal progressives have no solutions for problems,just complaints.
  17. But that was TBG,not me.You tried to accuse me of that.You fucking liar,but I guess lying is just a part of the DNA of a liberal progressive Democrat. You still have not told me what we should do when all those people arrive at out southern border.
  18. And your inability to have an intelligent thought is annoying to me.
  19. I just hope to God that I never become as stupid as you.
  20. But you still have not answered my question.What should we do when the 7-10,00 people arrive on our southern border?
  21. "Are you in 3rd grader?" It's 3rd grade,not 3rd grader,dumbass.And I'm the stupid one?
  22. Fuck you,prick! You don't have any intelligent responses to my questions,so you resort to cheap shots.Typical fucking,brain dead liberal.Reminds me of the simple minded liberal progressives who now harass people in restaurants just because they don't agree with their politics.
  23. When the hell did I say anything about shooting anybody?
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