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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Won't work though,because the news media and Congress have much lower ratings than does Trump. Very few people in the U.S. trust anything the news media says anymore.They will just see it as another dishonest attempt to influence the election.
  2. Mueller will not exonerate Trump because Mueller is part of the Washington DC establishment who was appointed special counsel for the purpose of taking out Trump,so that the establishment can once again take control of government. The whole Russia collusion bullshit originated within the intelligence community most likely under the direction of the Obama White House;first for the purpose of keeping Trump from being elected and then when they failed at that they continued with the BS for the purpose of removing Trump from office or crippling his presidency. What many people seem to not understand is that there was never any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. That is a complete and total fairy tale. And what do Trump's affairs with women before he was president have to do with colluding with the Russians,which is what Mueller is suppose to be investigating? The only reason Mueller wants to interview Trump is to set up a perjury trap.Mueller could ask Trump about some business deal that happened 15 years ago,and if Trump incorrectly remembers something Mueller can charge him with perjury. When it comes to people's brains,I'm betting on Trump's brain over the Washington DC swamp dwellers.
  3. But you haven't addressed the fact that the U.S. buys much more from those nations than they buy from the U.S. All Trump is saying is open up your markets to our exports so that there is not such a large imbalance in trade.
  4. And in 1994 Bill Clinton told the American people that he had eliminated the North Korean nuclear threat. And in 1993 Bill Clinton solved the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with his brilliant peace accord.
  5. And where did that count come from,the lying BBC? The lying by all politicians is why Trump was elected president.Voters in the U.S. are fed up with lying establishment politicians.If Trump keeps his promises he will be reelected.If not,he will be voted out of office in 2020.So far,he has done much of what he promised.
  6. I see you believe all the BBC propaganda.No,Trump just cares about the working people of America.Too bad you don't have many politicians in the UK who care about your working people.
  7. Here is the reason Trump wants to renegotiate U.S. trade agreements.In 2017 these were the U.S. trade deficits: Canada,$17.5 billion;Mexico,$64.1 bil.;Japan,$69 bil.;EU,$151.4 bil.;China,$375 bil. That is because previous U.S. presidents sold out American workers in these trade negotiations.That has caused factories in the U.S. to close and wages to decrease or stagnate,and the middle class to shrink. These G7 members can bitch and moan all they want,but because of these large deficits Trump is holding all the cards. The U.S. buys much more from these countries than they buy from the U.S.,so a trade war will hurt them more than it hurts the U.S. In fact,if imports to the U.S. are decreased the sales of U.S. products to American consumers will increase which will result in higher wages,more jobs and new factories in the U.S. So if the G7 members want a trade war with the U.S. bring it on,and then they can watch factories in their countries close like they have closed in the U.S.,or they can renegotiate more fair trade agreements.The choice is theirs.
  8. If one is worried about fascism in the U.S. you should probably be concerned about the actions of people like James Comey,James Clapper,John Brennan and numerous other members of the Obama Administration before and after the 2016 election.
  9. What are you doing?Describing yourself?And you are the one who complained about name calling?
  10. And you don't think it is strange that the so called "Russian Agent" met with people from Fusion GPS before and after her meeting with Trump's son? Looks like a possible set up to me. Just like the Russian Ambassador possibly set up Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions. The Russian purpose for meddling in our election was to cause Americans to distrust our government and electoral process.It appears that the Democrats have become willing allies of Putin in accomplishing that goal. To me it was also strange that the Russian Ambassador sat with the Democrats in the U.S. Capitol Bldg when Trump gave his first speech before Congress. Was that maybe a payoff to him for helping to take out Jeff Sessios and Michael Flynn? I heard that it was Democrat Rep.Bobby Rush from Chicago( a known Communist sympathizer) who invited the Russian Ambassador to the speech. Hear about any of that on the BBC?
  11. The BBC? So you believe censored state run news. That is laughable.If you watched Fox once in awhile you might actually learn something factual.
  12. Obstructing justice?That's exactly what Comey and the Obama Administration did in the Hillary Clinton investigation. Anyone who believes that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to rig our election is a complete and total idiot. Mueller's real purpose has never been to investigate Russian meddling in our election.His real purpose from the beginning has been to remove Donald Trump from office.
  13. And for what great accomplishment was Barack Hussein Obama awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? If Trump is successful in getting North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.
  14. Such a cold unfeeling statement.You sound like the perfect unfeeling government bureaucrat.So the omnipotent government knows what is best for everyone.Thank God we separated from Britain in 1776. The family had an offer of free travel to Italy and free treatment for the child in Italy. The great British health system would not allow the parents to remove the child from the hospital for the trip. THAT WAS A DECISION TO BE MADE BY THE PARENTS,NOT THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT!!!
  15. You call the President of the United States a traitor and Russian agent and then tell us to lighten up?What a joke!
  16. But Britain won't allow dying British children to be treated in other countries.
  17. Actually,it's the ability to think for myself and remembering Obama saying that his preference was single payer. Also,passage of Obamacare is the reason the Democrats lost the House and Senate in the 2010 election.so it must not be too popular.
  18. Obamacare was purposely designed to fail,so that Obama could get what he really wanted which was single payer with the government completely running the healthcare system.
  19. Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and is one of the biggest Trump haters in the country.The Washington Post trashes and attacks Donald Trump everyday.in America they don't get anymore liberal and progressive than Jeff Bezos.
  20. But Obama said, "If you like your doctor,you can keep your doctor." And he would never lie.
  21. John McCain stopped fixing healthcare,not Trump.
  22. Liberal,progressive,Marxist have one solution to solving every problem: RAISE TAXES AND SPEND MORE MONEY.
  23. Just the fact Trump was elected made the business climate in the country more positive.He spoke of policies to bring jobs back to America all during the campaign.
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