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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Mr.Brilliant Brit,who knows more about my country than I do,what is your solution for our immigration problem? When someone illegally walks across our southern border what should we do with that person?
  2. Since you are so fucking brilliant,what is your solution to our illegal immigration problem?When people illegally walk across our southern border what should we do with them?
  3. You are not capable of intelligent discussion.You are too full of hatred of President Trump to have a rational conversation.
  4. You insult yourself every time you make a comment by revealing your ignorance of American life and your vile hatred. Sounds as if you were looking into a mirror when you wrote the above comment. Why do you hate yourself so much?Your mom and dad not want you?
  5. Good.Give the illegal immigrants the money and send them back to their countries.Why waste it on fucking lawyers?
  6. You are the one who needs to educate himself you elitist,left wing indoctrinated fool.Again,I don't need some loud mouth dumb ass Brit like you to tell me about my own country.Everyone of the sources you gave are liberal progressive publications.
  7. If you remain in Europe you might need to brush up on the Koran and Sharia Law.
  8. And your source is Time Magazine?No wonder you have such a warped view of America and Trump supporters.
  9. I didn't say the KKK was not in the march.I asked about a KKK flag in the photo of the neo-Nazis just to prove how little you know about America.
  10. There were people marching in the parade,but not under the Nazi flag. Good or bad the monuments are a part of America's history,and many people who live in the South have relatives who died in the war fighting for the Confederacy,and they view those statues as a way of honoring their family members who died in the war. KKK flag?
  11. He was speaking of people who were for and against keeping Civil War monuments in place,not neo-Nazis.That's what the march was originally about and the neo-Nazis joined the march because in America we have the right to express our opinions no matter how repugnant or stupid they are.
  12. Kidnapped? Our government went to Central America and took them from their parents,right? You are stupid.
  13. American neo-Nazis are a pathetic joke and almost all Americans have no use for them. Associating Trump supporters with neo-Nazis is just a tactic that the political left uses in this country to smear anyone who supports President Trump.
  14. I don't need some stupid dumb ass Brit to tell me about my own country.You pompous ignorant bastard.You probably still live with your parents who pay your bills and still wipe your ass for you.
  15. I have no idea who Alex Jones is and have no desire to know.So you are the only true fact holder,right? Your ignorance of what is actually happening in America is amazing. "2500 children kidnapped"?By who?
  16. You know nothing about America. Trump was elected president because the American people are fed up with politicians who have been selling out the working middle class for years.
  17. You are complaining about our inhumane immigration policy while your government run healthcare system makes the decision as to whether or not a child receives medical treatment regardless of the parents wishes?
  18. Neither did the majority of the kids killed by gang members in Chicago.Pray for them too.
  19. It's a waste of time to argue facts with people who's whole thought process is totally distorted by their intense irrational hatred of Donald Trump.
  20. And I feel sorry for you that your reality is such that you are trapped in a liberal fairy tale world where truth never enters.
  21. You are the one who is having your emotions manipulated by the Democrats and news media,and are too fucking stupid to realize it.
  22. You are the one who is being manipulated by the Democrats and news media and is too fucking stupid to realize it.
  23. Sounds like you are a gullible puppet of the U.S.news media.Photos of the cages holding the children were taken in 2014. Who was the U.S. president in 2014? Fake,phony,orchestrated politically motivated outrage by news media and Democrat Party. Trump was working with the Republicans(Democrats refused to participate) in Congress all day today to permanently solve the problem and to not just put a temporary fix on it via executive order. I don't think Democrats want a solution.They just want to use the problem to promote their political campaign agenda for the 2018 election.They just want an emotional campaign issue totally devoid of any rational thinking. Just like their tv campaign commercial which showed Paul Ryan pushing wheel chair bound granny off a cliff.
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