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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Sex and then each goes to their side of the bed?How romantic! Wham,bam and not even a thank you ma'm. LMAO
  2. I think I'll go back to Chaturbate.All these complex personal relationships are giving me a headache. lol
  3. I think we need some Kitek translations to learn what is going on in K&K's lives right now.This is like watching a foreign language movie without captions and trying to figure out what the hell is going on. lol
  4. If she's on the balcony I hope she put a jacket on.It's 57F temperature in Moscow right now.
  5. Kami has been out late two nights in row dressed pretty casually and with little makeup.She said she's comfortable with guy from her hometown,so maybe that is who she has been going out with.She spent a lot of time putting on makeup when she was dating Dima.If she goes out again tonight,will be interesting to see how she dresses and how much makeup she puts on.
  6. You mean the ankle bracelet?She took that out of nightstand shortly after guy from her hometown was at her apartment.Appeared it was broke,she tied it together to wear it.Looks different from the one she wore in Barcelona.If the guy from her hometown was her first love as Kitek said,I wonder if maybe that was something that he gave her a long time ago when they were together in their hometown.Maybe she kept it as a momento and now that he is back she is wearing it again. Or maybe I'm just dreaming. lol
  7. Good to know I'm not crazy. lol She also took two pills orally while in the kitchen before going to bed.
  8. Kristy should be able to open a window and to sleep in her room tonight.It's 52F temperature in Moscow right now.
  9. True.Too bad Kami doesn't do the same.Kami seems to be intelligent and have potential,but seems to be satisfied to just use her physical beauty to get by in life.It seems she is in a sort of panic mode to find a husband or boyfriend to support her.Then again,I might be completely wrong about her.
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