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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Not sure my heart can handle all the action currently taking place in the K&K apartment. lol
  2. Kami hasn't posted anything new to her social media account for almost two days,so maybe that means she is on the train heading back to Moscow.
  3. Wonder if Kami is returning to Moscow this weekend?If you know,"Guest",please tell us. lol
  4. When Kami returns wonder what she has planned to get her fans interested again?Maybe she will invite one of the "Z" guys over to spend the night.
  5. Did Kitek ever translate the conversation K&K had in the kitchen on the Thursday night before Kami left on her trip?I believe conversation started around 11:00 pm Moscow time.
  6. Kitek said Kami wanted to meet with the two new guys before leaving.Wonder if she just went out to meet with one of them or went to the store for some supplies?
  7. It takes Kami almost as long for her to pack her suitcase as it does for her to get dressed. lol
  8. Still think she needs to have all three guys over at one time for a gang bang in her apartment. lol
  9. Could Kami be meeting with theses two guys because she needs a ride to the train station since Dima is no longer available for taxi service?
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