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Everything posted by merz28

  1. Just a hunch but I think Fiby just left for Belle and Nate''s. Fiby also packed an overnight bag.
  2. Seemed a bit unplanned. Sofie did not have the candles lit and the bathroom light on to reduce our viewing pleasures.
  3. Hope this National Geographic movie is about over?
  4. Yes Angelica..................... I knew it was Angel...something. Definitely not Gina
  5. hate to correct you but OT is not Gina with Belle and Nate its Angelica
  6. streams are starting to buffer bad................better have a smoke break ladies
  7. this is going to be the longest game of water pong ever!!!! They all suck at this game.
  8. I am thinking Anebelle is starting to get repulsed by Salma's actions
  9. Aurora looks pissed about something though. Seems to be mad at Sophie?
  10. It looked like it but not 100% sure. The bubbles were in the way. So, I would guess it was just for show. Until we are proven wrong.
  11. I don't understand. Bollywood took a shower applied some cream on his face and blowdried his hair. Now he is in the pool? seems a bit weird.
  12. also the clean freak that she is she doesn't wash her toys after use???????????? that can't be good? unless they don't actually touch her body. Will never know can see to find out.
  13. Sophie if you want to be a star...........work on the lighting. It is quite frustrating by the lack of professionalism.
  14. pretty sure this gal just saw Asia's hair in the hairbrush she looked at in the bathroom
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