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Everything posted by merz28

  1. interesting..........when she was bating with the dildo the other day she did not make one moan.
  2. Having Kylie there maybe making it a little awkward at first. Hopefully in the long run it will pay off?
  3. Houston we have a problem. Marca's Boyfriend fixed the shower in Restroom Cam 11. Now I believe the tenants will be taking showers in there and not in the open cams. However, I am totally fine with the dudes showering off cams.
  4. Dang she bates fast. Need to be Johnnie on the spot to catch the action live.
  5. well that was about the most I have seen one of the twins bate. I might correct that statement, consistent scratching.
  6. Well good thing is, I can clearly see that she is breathing.
  7. I missed it. Did one of the twins jump into the pool on purpose or did she fall in?
  8. Just a suspicion: I have a feeling Sera and Bea are the new talent coordinators for Barca tennants. Nora may have passed the torch?
  9. Tell me if I am wrong, if one is prone to having acne. Why would a person rub chocolate all over her body. When I was a teenager I was told to avoid chocolate to reduce the amount of frequency of acne.
  10. oh well its something different and has top three cams.
  11. B1 welcomes Lola to RLC. Returning resident and great companion😉
  12. I may have to admit the queen has "slowly started to melt". Very tiny steps at a time. However, I believe her reign maybe coming to a close end. Not sure there is enough time to 100% relax and be within her own sexuality.
  13. Are anyone elses preview thumbnails messed up again today?
  14. I just forgot its Tuesday...............Freakin Club night.......sorry dudes.......clickbate thirty, then club o'clock.
  15. Wish they would take it to the bed where Ginger would have more room to roam like normal.
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