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Everything posted by merz28

  1. not sure I get your joke.............Maila & hris. Doesn't make much sense
  2. hope the wi-fi connection is good because a lot of women and their phones plus a boring party will = a lot of screen time on their phones
  3. Hope they put some everclear in the watermelon fruit punch? could be a hell of a party that way.
  4. My guess is that A&C are headed to B1 as well.
  5. looks like Samantha is packing for another Holiday, Good grief this house is a joke
  6. "I not sure on the first meeting, not sure if you have a disease or something". from the girl.
  7. however i believe she lost her underwear last night she actually had them on
  8. I think the girls are going out without Chris. Chris looks like someone stole his puppy dog now...........so sad
  9. Asia got home at 23:15 Not sure she has noticed anything yet.
  10. well did she really think the bf wasn't going to be mad?
  11. Sam and her blonde friend must have sinus allergies today?????? Come out of the bathroom rubbing their noses and sniffing........Poor ladies I hope they get feeling better????😥
  12. Pretty sure Mike was just watching the ladies on RLC in the shower on his computer............sly devil. I guess he has every right to watch just as much as we do.
  13. well I believe that statement Is a bit incorrect. They did kiss before Selma went down on her.
  14. If Lorraine would shut the hell up and quite acting childish this could go somewhere.
  15. Private party only for the RLC controllers.
  16. It's so amazing how quiet Masha is being. Masha is usually very vocal.
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