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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I was here on this very topic and was commenting , where have you been that day to say your opinion on what was happening ?
  2. I have not hot fantasies with Nelly …I admire the ones that still do … Aziza yes , i like her a lot but she’s “ mysterious “ and she’s personally my biggest frustration as it is VERY FEW the times that i can’t “ psychology / decode “ a person .. and she has done this . Nothing more , nothing less .
  3. Some months ago , some really great people here were “ revealing “ why there was much much much background “ STORY “ for the one of the most ridiculous ever RLC moments , the famous “ POWER CUT “ from Bogdan and kissing/ hugging Aziza .. there were then some people saying that Nelly might have played a big role on that …. Also mentioned many times that ONE DAY , we will find out as the time ALWAYS GIVES ANSWERS … are we getting them tonight ?? Or as others have said tonight , Nelly is absolutely losing control as soon as she drinks and that’s why poor Bogdan needs to “ serve and protect “ … whatever , it is Nelly ..
  4. 2 years ago - if I remember correctly - Bogdan was denying all craziness , nudity and teasing that ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE Tesla and nowadays beautiful Mama Elian were ready to “ offer” to Bogdan .. how times change and a nude swimming parade for the first time of Nelly and Bogdan on cameras is happening … what to say ..
  5. If any other tenant could have survived 10 years on cameras , we would be able to make a comparison … But it isn’t possible since nobody else started the same time with Leora and nobody else has been having this “ weird “ , isolated , private life on cameras .. Itnhas been repeatedly analyzed why - personal opinion - Leora has been such a successful tenant ( for sure before the move in Prague ) .. What has made her the TOP STAR , it is the same thing that when this couple will face the REAL LIFE , they will struggle in this crazy world - not financially - socially .. but NOBODY will be there to support and protect .. and that’s why so many comments who aren’t negative but just caring for a person that is more than what she sells on cameras ..
  6. So … suddenly today , there’s no problem for the sound for the neighbors , loud music is aloud , generally shouting and noise at this time of the day isn’t a problem 😂🤣😂🤣 … Details , Nelly and Bogdan aren’t sleeping tonight , RLC offers 3 days premium membership and Barcelona apartments are “ messy “ ( politely said ) …. BUT WAIT … what I am to complain , RLC schill 😂🤣😂🤣🤪😜😝🤪😝
  7. I presented facts and quotes / posts , what is your counter argument ? 😂😂 Bla bla and the usual suspects supporting to “ serve and protect “ .. enjoy your summer in places that don’t satisfy your lifestyle and I am fine with babbeling crazy 😂🤣😂 .. You want the facts ? Since yesterday I am speaking with facts , visual proofs and not with emojis denying posts without explanations …. And that’s one more fact … and that’s why this topic stays away from sensible opinions and people .. it belongs to people like you that have destroyed it ..
  8. Jealous of the girls ? 😂🤣 I ADORE and ADMIRE the Barcelona girls who KNOW what life is and how to enjoy it .. and for this I appreciate them as a viewer .. Hats off to Aziza who after the boring 2 months she showed us why she was the right tenant at the penthouse before becoming “ mysterious Aziza “ and boring like she was when she joined .. Hats off to Ashley , the one and only girl that she participates and living her life like unique days not knowing what comes tomorrow .. the slight decline of her presence is noticeable because of what she has shown us but how can I be jealous of her when she enjoys her life the way I wish for her ? Jealous of Wendy who has ups and downs with her psychology ? Jealous of Azura who was fucking and squirting with Dylan and then she was “ selling “ love and tears to whoever giy she was speaking to ? Jealous to Gloria who seemed to like a guy like Anthony ? Or that such a nice girl she can’t have a guy or try ti date ? Tani .. yes , this woman is AMAZING , but better to say , she was viewer’s amazing when she was sharing and before started using RLC benefits .. she was for 4 months a girl that I would be jealous to enjoy her skills and services , one of a kind of what she can do ..BUT .. the last months of her stay are one of the BIGGEST RLC SCANDALS that she’s still a tenant , the woman has nearly zero connections to the rest and she’s there just to justify being a participant and get the month paycheck … The two min girls , Dana and Zara who were playing with our common sense being virgins ? Jealous with the two new girls who simply arrived to continue the “ masturbations legacy” so as corvette adds to his archive ? The list can go on and on with descriptions … luckily , there’s sweet little Ulyana that whenever she appears , she compensates … it is funny but this life that the majority of the girls seem to have , Leora had it for more than 2 years and NOBODY was saying anything , UNCOUNTABLE TIMES I said that she started all this being a part timer .. but then , everyone laughed .. and look now .. or , as i also said , why the Barcelona girls to do and expose all and the woman who just masturbates gets the attention ? Are they stupid to do all ?? Simple and easy questions but JEALOUSY ? Please , devi essere più clever ..
  9. People were doubting things with Malia … People were doubting what Leora did with Dennis till the presentation of the facts ( yes , booze times but i thought that hardcore fans always insist that she has control of things .. ) Obviously nothing is going to be with Dennis , but yesterday was already mention .. Dennis appeared suddenly as Leora decided to prove herself different of the criticism ? Was it Dennis there to show to Paul that there are people around and he needs to step up his game ? Did Dennis suddenly appear for the apartment to try and draw another kind of attention ? All of that together or none of that ? The facts ?? a ) Paul slept the whole night next to his girl b ) PAUL DIDN’T SPEND time in front of the lingo or for the first time ( visual proof that he can dedicate more time to her than his daily habit ) c ) Leora was checking a lot her phone during prime time d ) THE FORUM SAW MEMBERS APPEARING to post their opinions , it was traffic here for whatever reasons .. Conclusion … Dennis appeared for the for the first time , if Paul wants , he will appear again . If he doesn’t , it was the last time we saw .. and then , in the end , we will wonder who runs the place …
  10. tulpe2000 Posted 3 hours ago Interessant, wie viele Kleingeister auf einen Typen steil abfahren, in Sachen Sex können sie ihm nicht das Wasser reichen.😂 Viele der Mädchen werden seinen Dienst bei RLC weiter in Anspruch nehmen. It's interesting how many small minds really like a guy, when it comes to sex they can't hold a candle to him.😂 Many of the girls will continue to use his service at RLC. The jealousy watching a man fucking in 3 months 8-9 women and - as it should normally happen - all and everyone moves on , it hurts a lot many of the people here … And the guy didn’t fuck ANY women , he fucked some of the hottest and this hurts even more … It will always be the eternal question “ WHY HIM AND NOT ME ? “ 😂🤣😂😂🤣 The guy had oral with the TOP BEAUTY TENANT , Ulyana .. he fucked women like Ari , Gloria , Ashley d Aziza , Azura … he made 3 threesomes .. nobody wonders if it is HIM that he doesn’t want anything anymore but it is again THE WOMEN who don’t want him 😂🤣😂🤣 .. What to say , jealousy at the top … Till he strikes again with the new arrivals 😋😋😋
  11. It is becoming sad to watch in a way that the Ts’ and the Ws’ have become another Bonnie / Rama & Alexandra / Lucian situation … they have just typical relationship and for sure it comes visible , they take it in shifts on whatever they do so as to avoid being together … the key point that this happened I consider the day that the girls were topless / half naked in front of the guys … since that day , it all changed .. at this particular time , a change is needed because Barcelona really looks boring again apart from the Ulyana / Harley place and the craziness of wonderful Sambuka ..
  12. She was till she had the crash down .. she then changed a lot and I think she affected the majority of the rest of the girls ..Unfortunately one of the best we have seen post covid era , amazing Ashley .. Lets see , but even this current room if it remains only for Ashley , it is great .. I can’t believe that such a “ horny “ and many times “unstoppable “ girl has slowed down her personal moments in the heart and core of the summer .. it is nice though that she cared for her friend .
  13. If Gloria’s time is up ( she has lost interest for whatever reasons to enjoy herself ) , I hope she doesn’t go together with Ashley ( who deserves a room by herself - in my opinion the penthouse in B4 - )
  14. This is because something like this NEVER happens in this apartment and it is a historical incident , it draws the normal and even more attention then as it “ instantly “ creates uncountable theories . Especially when Denis has been involved in two “ major “ past incidents ( however his presence has always been quiet ) . Let’s hope ( that I strongly doubt ) that this apartment can become more “ social “ and we see also other people . In my opinion , this place needs “ new things “ and also other activities , you can see how many “ new “ people suddenly appeared to post yesterday .
  15. It is the same like you expecting from ANY girl to masturbate .. But you can obviously characterize Tyrnavos when they don’t do “ Do nothing girls “ and others here can’t express their wish .. whatever ..
  16. This is an amazing cat vs mouse game , an absolute wonderful night for all true voyeurs .. just EVERYONE expecting for this unique moment that can set things in motion , like both girls seem to want but their real friendship ( and most probably never ever done before between them ) keeps it STILL not happening ..Harley is indeed the one with second thoughts , Sambuka is totally cool and I believe she admires Harley very much .. A bit of shame comparison but it simply reflects to what we have seen when we had the UNIQUE and one of the TOP 10 moments ever in the history of this site when Martina and Nelly finally went for the next level … let’s be patient and wait what it is going to be .
  17. How is ot called in the movies ?? Exhibit 1 OH I DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS!!!! They've phoned Dennis The Douchebag again!!! AT 03.30 AM!! This is a piss take! She's done that just as Malia was getting friendly..... Once again, that arsehole brings things to an end. Exhibit 2 WTF? Leora has phoned him again at 04.40! THIS IS A FARCE!! I'm sure Paul & LB would be impressed....Especially at the constant Nip slips.... Exhibit 3 ( briefing ) I didn’t see from the beginning , I caught action when girls seemed to be a bit drunk and they decided to phone the guy who is known by the name of Dennis . After a long talk in the LR , Leora put the phone in her bedroom to charge it . Soon after ( unexpectedly in my opinion ) , he phoned back and the rest is more or less as I said to nenemoh . Clear visual tits showing from leora to the guy and she was completely naked undercover . Both girls really enjoying talking to him and very happy Leora non stop smiling . Couldn’t make it more briefly 😬🙄 only know what I saw … she was clearly showing him her tits and in a way she wouldn’t let him hang up or she was in the mood doing so despite being sleepy and drank , there were talks about traveling if the mention of countries like Germany , Austria , , Slovenia , Croatia and Italy had anything to do about it , the word “ sex “ ( jokingly and of course without any serious meaning i believe but rather in the conversation flow ) was clearly heard in the LR and finally , the magical world “ Barcelona “ ……😉😉😉😉😉😉 Well and as a conclusion , I wish we could get more evenings like this from both of the girls when they act spontaneously , for sure more like human and being themselves than the robotized daily routine acts .. that was a great night and some really hot hips teasing dancing moves by Leora who does this the best than anyone and I admit totally ☺️ well done girls , if top cams , totally deserved today for being themselves 😇 YOU ARE WELCOME for a trip back in memory lane and to the rabbit hole 😂🤣 Because people here . as soon as the threat appears , they run in panic to protect 😂🤣😂 Said it many times , free repeat once again Verba volant , scripta manent Special dedicated to the deniers and emojiers 😂🤣😂🤣 PANIC AND RUN FOREST RUN 😂🤣😂
  18. Yes … still , we can never know the type or whatever the use of it .. let’s enjoy what will be tonight as it seems that we have two “hungry” girls on cameras tonight 😉😉
  19. Can it be a memorable premiere today ? The first ever g/g of Harley and Sambuka ( both girls haven’t shared private moments with girls ) … or we could have Dylan’s 4th( fourth ) threesome ? Or “ the boy “ will destroy it all again in case it appears ? OR … the true bisexual Wendy will create chaos 😁😆😁😆 Sambuka without sex for so many days the last week , it is like Leora not masturbating for a week on cameras 😂🤣😂🤣… so , let’s see what it is going to be …
  20. Whatever Leora thinks about the man on the couch , a look at this thread Leora & Malia - Home Activities #37 and the incidents of what happened in the morning of 11 august 2021 , to who Leora was showing her tits and laughing and being almost naked , can make everyone use the imagination the way he/she wishes 😉😉 Because the memory and people here want to remember and think only the things that they want to remember and they DO VERY MUCH forget certain memorable incidents ( but I guess since it was booze involved , it was irrelevant what happened 😂🤣😂🤣 )
  21. I NEVER EVER EVER EVER use an emoji on anyone’s post .. I am a 7 years old subscriber on this site and I HAVE NEVER EVER “ emoji “ characterized anyone’s post in all of my years here .. I do very much use emojis on my posts , I overdo it and exaggerate a lot many times …
  22. I still have the “ BALLS “ to present my opinion and thoughts and not hiding behind ridiculous emojis or characterize others because I don’t agree with them … you are just one more who shows your true nature as a human being and the position you have in society , that is YOU ARE SUPERIOR AND YOUR ONLY PURPOSE is to downgrade others .. but this is how you do behind the security of typing behind a keyboard when being in front of exposure in real life , you are just the tiniest of dwarves amongst the ones you are dealing with 😂🤣😂🤣 good night and careful taking the “ Rd queens “ 😂🤣😂🤣😂
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