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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Masha always has a plan and the right connections , her life has been built in such ways that she hates being alone .. that’s why she’s perhaps the most socializing tenant in the depth of time .. You could see her depression during Covid and when she got the wheel chair due to the accident .. but she’s too strong and she has fought hard in her life and nothing has been given easy or free to her .. therefore , she will never risk what she has achieved , i have said it many times , Elvis for Masha is simply her sexual toy / companionship so as not being alone .. we will see , but as I have said , look , 8 years after in the project , we like her or not , we hate her or admire her , the woman has shown ALWAYS / SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SHARING her life exactly as the site describes ( even on her holidays she appears on cameras places 😂 ) … to my knowledge , if Masha had the funds , her knowledge and loyalty to this project , she would create the BEST EVER real life on cameras project , she would eliminate within 6 months the competition of all similar sites .. say whatever , but nobody ever has done the REALLIFE.COM job better than her .
  2. Everyday is the same things , just be color of the vibrator changes whenever she performs ( and not when she’s horny like normal people feel due to inactive / bad sexual life ) … in the past , it was masturbations in different rooms so as not to be repeated , with Paul there , the LR isn’t an option anymore , the bathroom hardly ever , it just the bedroom ( majority of times ) and secondary the guest room .. She had to find alternatives , she discovered the butt plug and the vibrator color changes so as to have variety of the masturbations and not for a different feeling of pleasure .. as some uses to say when they were posting here , SAME OLE SAME OLA … The apartment is in boring loop and together with Linda and Tibor / Martina and Alberto , you can easily see that the couples simply enjoy the benefits of the cameras ( money ) and that’s all .. this apartment has ZERO social life , ZERO events , ZERO unpredictably , ZERO other things than tuning in to see Leora naked or masturbating when she’s in the mood to “ work “ more than other days .. You are a dedicated and faithful/loyal fan till the end and i have the maximum respect of being the last of the Mohicans is it seems but without you posting daily , this topic would have been dying a slow death like it happens with Linda / Tibor , Martina / Alberto . Absolutely nothing exciting is happening , in my humble opinion , seeing Leora just a sex tool and a pioneer of pleasure after 10 years and not watching her more as a normal human being after so many years on cameras , I think it is her biggest failure .. when the time comes and the cameras are off , she will feel the most isolated person that she could be , when the attention won’t be on her , when the chats here won’t be daily in her routine .
  3. Masha will always control this relationship , no matter what we see .. I think we need to realize that Masha will go for her long time idea and current trend in cities like New York for example , she will try to have a 3way relationship , like it used to be Sasha / Dasha / Masha … like maybe she wanted with the ex couple who had the child together , this is what I think … No matter what , for sure she likes Elvis but he isn’t the type of guy who would follow Masha’s “ unpredictable “ way of living ..
  4. We will never actually learn the potential of either girl , living in the worst “ room “ of the villa and sharing , is never beneficial for both the viewer and the tenant , especially when the tenants aren’t willing to do more than certain things .. There was a “ hope “ that Zara could do more during this stay , but in the end , we never saw more apart the strip poker games , which were a big show for cameras attraction . Zara was obviously the “ main attraction “ for the majority , it felt most of the times that Dana was holding her back , but the more the time was passing , it seemed that she also didn’t want to “ show “ more except her routine things .. The conclusion is that these 2 were the “ absolute professionals “ , they did normal things and weren’t shy on cameras , but - for my personal taste - they lacked the random craziness and unpredictability that anyone who enters the villa should have . They were also acting in a way like “ unique “ , they never had the chemistry with the rest , I don’t think the majority will miss them in the long run … And now ? Is it Ashley’s friend ? Or perhaps the sisters both in the villa again ? 😁😁 Still , this room and if they put ( most probably they will ) again two close friends , it is too difficult to work for more things , one needs to be away or sleep elsewhere and so on … let’s see , all the best to the two “ nun “ girls ( that’s how i saw them most of the times 😁 ) .
  5. Sambuka starts gradually , incredibly threatening Dylan with her “ scores “ , this is guy Nr.4 , only 3 to equalize Dylan ( high observation .. Sambuka is local , Dylan seems to have come from Italy .. )
  6. Always fascinated when a clever and educated woman appears … Nadia is wonderfully interesting , she has a view and opinion about the majority of subjects , courage of her thoughts to be expressed , absolutely marvelous presence as a woman and well done of managing to make the talk also in English and we understand so much and can learn so much more about her ( and the guy ) ..
  7. Doing a show is one thing , seducing the audience because YOU ARE ABLE to do it , it is another .. Leora can also seduce the audience , but she’s just boring and repeated .. Ulyana ( if and when she wishes - she’s not a Leora cameras addicted tenant ) can simply offer endless pleasure .. her sex skills are unique , with all respect to Leora , her camera stares are compared to none to anyone else , MASTERPIECE .
  8. For all the respect to the glory of this apartment and the years they have been and the things we have seen by them , I just think that Martina and Alberto are in the same “ tenants “ category currently like Linda and Tibor and Leora and Paul .. just using RLC for benefits , they have dedicated themselves in many incredible moments but I don’t know currently their RLC contribution … Seeing the new couple in Poland , i wish RLC could find similar tenants , then we can reboot the couples apartments , discuss , criticize , comment..
  9. Having to chose between Ulyana and Leora , the lifestyle , the mood , the “ seduction “ , can we have her also till she goes 32 and transforms from the little sweet Ulyana we got to know to the woman we can image she can be ?? And then , well , we can see what truthful might have been and what not ..
  10. Big statement from Ulyana and Fiora , reminding in a way - by reviving some of the “ crazy shows “ back in the days in B2 - that they never abandon the viewers or they never forget what they have done and how they could attract the attention . Fiora shows repeatedly how much she enjoys performing and being on cameras ( she isn’t a tenant but when she visits she acts like one and it is one she’s “ asking “ RLC to hire her again ) , as far as Ulyana is concerned , she returned horny , as has been mentioned , Ulyana is like a “ sleeping giant “ , if she decides to go full throttle on cameras , there’s no competition , she knows her value extremely well .
  11. It’s the “price” of this business but then , it didn’t look like there was a reason ( according to what has been posted ) but then , we can’t know the background story for this raid .
  12. The conclusion is that this topic had the most posts since a VEEEERY LONG time when it was empty and even without the tenants fault … We can call it for sure “ REAL LIFE “ incident and actually one of the most realistic in history .
  13. It seems that Carla and Yanai are “collateral damage” of an incident which led the police to this location .. But … there’s also another theory which has to do with the previous ownership of this apartment before it becomes an “ RLC apartment “ and i don’t know if this light also be considered a theory of this major incident earlier . I think quite some people will understand what I mean … In a way , we had shades of 2019 suddenly and again for RLC when they cut off within hours all feed from Russia due to the incidents happening at the competitive site and if I remember correctly it was also there police intrude .. It is a pity for Carla and Yanai when on holidays and being away to get upset for that and worried , let’s hope it will be fine for them .
  14. The “ deadly duo “ 😏 together in B1 , always great to see them together as we never know what can we see next …
  15. Finally one day Elli sleeps alone and she unfolded of her repertoire , except horny finger masturbation , it is nice getting the confirmation what the majority here has been trying to communicate , that is this girl has an incredible potential of being the “ Next RLC star “ than next to her guy is simply wasted .. and we could discuss totally different if there were any “ possibilities “ that her guy can indeed provide , but even in this new apartment , Elli is the absolute star and Vencel simply is there …
  16. Welcome to ( most probably ) the new tenant ?? And already Team Ashley 😋😋🥳 , no shy , nudity , excellent , let’s see 😊
  17. And .. they are “ closer “ again and coincidently Gloria is away and I think Ashley didn’t meet Aziza .. it might all be connected that they were “ distant “ , if that’s the case , poor Ashley that would need to “balance” herself between Dylan and the girls , but again , she’s more strong and has proven being flexible . Let’s see .
  18. Normally I shouldn’t respond to that but as you are not paying attention , I even called out the administrator to solve the issue with the payment as I can’t renew due to changes of bank approvals , they don’t accept anymore Mastercard and they only have Visa , but even addressing the administrator for the issue , it seems that CC can have a membership less … I don’t need to prove anything here , even more to you for such issues .. but even on this you are narrow minded and not thinking that it must be something wrong happening not being able to renew my premium membership .. please go to bed , Megan just masturbated so the archives “ got movement “ today …
  19. Ahh .. excellent , Dylan and Ashley “ back online “ as we got to know them , very good 😊
  20. The last visit of Masha there though , she ( Masha ) had sex with Dasha ..
  21. As mentioned again , one of the lost excellent castings , even better than Elli and Vencel I dare to say as here Casper is also not boring or “ unsuitable “ to watch … we saw social life already , both have COMPLETELY no issues with the cameras , excellent excellent RLC choice … Only - PERSONAL - complain is the loud moans of Scarlett , I have never ever believed a woman making such moans during sex .. but with nearly a week online , they have exceeded all expectations expectations and I can say that they are one of the couples with the biggest impact we have seen .. even a comparison of what we recently had in Prague is enough .. RLC should reconsider send the Poland recruiter to Prague and have the Czech Republic recruiter taking lessons how the job is done 😂
  22. Zhanna was horrible and I was “ protesting “ for her removal .. Shantal is different and she’s not snob as Zhanna , when a woman fucks all the time she’s a prostitute and a slut , this one that it is only rumors and speculations out of the apartment , she’s a “ do nothing “ because it is her choice .. she’s a pleasant person , she smiles , she participates and interacts with the others and yes , she doesn’t do lots of privacy , better say nothing at all on cameras … if you want then a Serafima or a Zhanna or one of the twins or both of them , stay tuned because as it seems people forget worse examples .. of course there are better but if it was all extreme , the voyeur’s feelings would be long gone , after all , there’s always Leora when people are bored with any Barcelona “ do nothing “ girls .
  23. Great to see Ashley and Dylan talking and hopefully clarifying things , the least that the villas need is a “ bad mood “ Ashley and Dylan .
  24. It is great seeing Ashley back , her smile , easy going attitude , craziness and unpredictability has been missed even for these few days she was away , compared of course to the rest .. She is by far the best villa tenant , let’s see how this change of “ habits “ the last couple of weeks with Dylan and the relationships established , will maybe create some “drama” issues , however both Dylan and Ashley don’t seem to be bothered with such “ minor “ things .. Still , Ashley and Dylan interacting is needed i believe , it is strange if the relationships wit the others affect their own “ FWB “ interaction ..
  25. As you can understand , she isn’t horrible for everyone and many people have different tastes .. and you need to accept that all tenants ( female ) isn’t just about masturbating that you are an addicted .. so , it won’t be so bad accepting other people wishes of watching the girls as others are accepting your “ complains “ that the girls are “ do nothings “ .. we have seen way way way much worse ..
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