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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This is why they are called ONS , sometimes you just want to fuck , you just find someone and you do.. if you like it , in the end you can maybe ask the phone number or more details so as it happens again .. From my side , as soon as I saw him making a video while fucking her ( as good friend Noldus said she was drunk ) , he is a loser , I hate when people do this , but in case they meet again , Harley is more than a tough person and if she realizes , hmm , the guy will be in trouble ( I think he is also younger than her ) … As a viewer , watching Harley being the wild girl we all know that she can be , her moments with guys and not so much playing with herself when she can have the real deal ( as we saw for 3 continuous days 3 different sex partners ) , this is a great thing as this woman has really offered so much , she is an absolutely incredible tenant and RLC has treated her the least to say disrespected than anyone else and I hope she gets the most of everyone . I don’t know if she’s really happy or with the incidents the last days she wants to escape thoughts and worries in her mind , all I know is that Harley has one of the top 3 pussy that any other female tenant across all RLC apartments have , watching then this woman and her privacy details being shared , nothing more than a big respect to her and 👏👏👏
  2. And to be honest , FROM ALL OF HER GUYS these years , this one looks the “ nicest “ of them all , she always had a “ weird “ taste 😆
  3. As was said … HARLEY ON FIRE , 3 in a row ( in a way she needs to “ work “ for her trim are as well 😏 ) … on the other hand , it was extreme strange seeing her friend Sambuka being extreme wild and her being kind of “ relaxed “ … but that’s why since Day 1 she was christened “ X-Factor “ Harley … There she is , rewarding us by enjoying her young crazy times in Barcelona 😊 , Harley 👏👏👏👏
  4. Everyone seems to forget on how strong and the way Masha can manipulate situations and can have ideas .. Whenever Masha goes on holidays , she never leaves her apartment empty , there is ALWAYS someone around to look after the cats , keep it clean , occupy the cameras ( in fact NOBODY ELSE is doing this , that is keeping the apartment “ live “ for viewership when the main tenant is away ) , in general , keep the apartment busy . In the majority of such times , lots of things happen on that famous Masha’s bed . We have seen the hairdresser who has been the previous apartment regular occupant , we had the polish lady the last time who seemed being Elvis friend , both of them whoever remembers did things sexually . We had Babi in the past , the list can go on and on … With that being said , being a big speculation , who can prove that Masha sent a message to Elvis and told him that she needed to have the apartment with “ action “ , she didn’t care how , it would have been the first time during such a long absence that we wouldn’t see anything .. and there you have it , Elvis had some great sessions with a super amazing guest girl who was willing to do it all , that was one of the best incidents in Masha’s place while being on holidays . Now , i don’t say that it could be Masha’s instructions , but , we should not eliminate the fact that Masha ALWAYS respects the viewers and she is BY FAR the most dedicated tenant in history , that’s why I always say SHE’S THE BEST TENANT THAT HAS EVER PARTICIPATED for RLC in terms of what we have seen the last 8 years from her . NOBODY has occupied the cameras with an incredible variety of real life incidents like she has .. and I think it will be happening for quite some time more ..
  5. She got fucked being watched in Milena’s room after a massage and HJ to the guy who fucked her .. funny and crazy girl , she made it clear from Day 1 that she was suggested to come and occupy one of the beds , she could be sleeping at the place she has in Barcelona , she tries to balance her outside business with the cameras world , she’s not shy , she’s just filing a bed so as not to empty because RLC can’t find someone as it seems .. I don’t think we can complain in that extend about her , the fact that she’s not masturbating I know that pisses you off , but the presence of Milena is actually worse than having Lubna in B2 ( after all , seeing all these people it was Milena’s idea but it is Lubna who made it possible ) .
  6. We have said repeatedly why it is so … Whenever you see her going prime time competition with anyone who will be doing the same thing ( Ulyana , Harley ) or surprising( first time ) incidents gathering attention and she’s still top cam , then we can discuss again .. Leora will always check the site before she proceeds with her routine .. she has no other life or job apart the cameras addiction , she’s the longest run tenant , she knows PRECISELY what and when to do it .. nothing of a surprise then … except of those wanting still to watch a woman making facial expressions because she gets pleasure with her #999,999 masturbation .
  7. Let’s hope that sooner or later Peater appears and we can see the interest again with the “ undercover “ hides and make our speculations 😊
  8. I am sorry for you that you NEED to watch girls that you like being fucked by people you disguise … the problem is that YOU HATE THEM ALL , I am trying to think of a positive post you have made through all this time .. I know that as men we are jealous when others can fuck and we don’t , but what can we do , some have the ability and the privilege managing easier than others , some are even afraid to look one in the eyes and even attract them this way . All I want to say is that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE that we the men are the stupid and bad guys ( like the villa guys tenants ) and we the ( men ) viewers and all the girls that choose and decide to be fucked to be stupid and whatever ..
  9. Let’s make a quick update for certain people here .. Thor .. What a loser having anger management and being jealous to “ everybody loves Holly “ , he shouldn’t be a tenant … Samson … Australopithecus , priceless face expressions , get rid of this guy… Tim …. Hard on issues , jealous of Tani , can’t provide pleasure and he doesn’t let her alone , we don’t need such idiots …. Miron …. What this ultra extra kilos guy need in the villas , the rapist and abuser while girls sleep , there’s no room even on his bed for him , send him away …. Anthony … Send away this moron who uses the girls feelings and he doesn’t care for anyone , only eating and eating and eating , the fastest away , the better not having more cocks in B7 …. Grisha …. What do ( RLC ) they want by having a gay / bisexual ? on cameras , the guy is worthless , he should be kicked out the fastest … Dylan …. Obnoxious , violent , asshole , porn actor , disrespectful , 2 minutes off loader … Lacrim … potato head , dwarf …. FOR JUST A WEEK I won’t write more of what has been said about him ALL previous comments have been made here by people , hate and jealousy at its maximum because guys live in a luxury villa and ALL OF THEM SO FAR they have done things and made their presence FOR SURE mentioned and they had the forum talk about them ..: but when we say that the guys here are haters and jealous , we are from another planet .. Insane the comments made , I GUESS THAT ALL OF US we are Mr.Adonis and Casanovas and we are doing on our lives the best for everyone and everything , we are the perfect 10s with no attitude , behavior , social issues , we are the best ( and that’s why we watch RLC so as to see our superiority from all these men 😂🤣😂🤣😂 )
  10. Harley follows Lacrim stories , both on fire the last two days competing in action 😁😁 Barcelona crazy on fire and Harley gets back at her wild times we got to know her 😊
  11. It is just clear that Harley and Ulyana want to do anything with the rest , Lacrim around and Sambuka in B1 made Harley be there , she didn’t even say goodbye to the others when they left and I think there was kind of confrontation with Wayne when he returned to take his waist bag .. Ulyana absent of course , how ridiculous for Harley watching this gathering happening and in the back of her mind knowing that they were KICKED OUT ( the 4 musketeers ) because they were loud according to neighbors some years ago … It might also be a thing between Russian and Ukrainians with Harley and Ulyana but this remains to be seen ( maybe they get bullied or something like that .. ) .
  12. Say whatever , but how great is to see Wednesday away from B5 more and more .. there are nice women in this cast period for Barcelona but Wednesday is one category by herself ..The woman has it all ..
  13. Nah, look at Leora and Paul , they have exactly the same life and they are RLC’s happiest couple ..
  14. BRING THIS GIRL AT ANY APARTMENT INSTANTLY … ELVIS HAS LEARNED FROM THE BEST .. She has discovered so many , her lover now seems that he discovered a wonderful performer , need seeing how she could handle the competition , but as others say , smoking hot lady , send her in Barcelona to wake up some people there 😊😊 Masha’s apartment once again can be the “ christening “ of future RLC candidates , thanks to Elvis this time ..
  15. Milena at the moment is the too tenant that doesn’t need to be in this world , I will guess that she’s desperate for money on doing this , otherwise her motives can’t be imagined .. With Nelly and Bogdan , it is like there’s no place for them in Barcelona and they just fill in beds for whatever RLC wants them to do and for the tenants to simply have a really great income living for free and simply doing their routine for the benefits .. let’s see how it goes .
  16. 23:48 Prague time and I am trying to see Leora even at one of the replay thumbnails , just a big zero … it can be recorded as a first ever absent from the replay zone ? This goes in the archives I guess ..
  17. FINALLY … Elvis decoded Masha and realized what’s his purpose in Masha’s life 🤪🤪🤪 … he finally enjoys the life that Masha asked him to do , kind of weird doing it in Masha’s bed but then , can this girl become a regular as soon as Masha returns ?? SUMMER entered RLC with many bangs , Lubna and generally B2 , Lacrim from the past with Harley and this now .. it gets complicated and arises a bunch of questions of what more is to come .. Well done to the business ..👏👏
  18. Bogdan kind of avoids involvements , I think he knows the stupid with the deleted footage and he has been staying off focus apart fucking Nelly ..Without him , Nelly can’t last a week so he is there to “ keep an eye on her “ I believe as well . I think him being around by himself , there won’t be any issues like having Nelly by herself for example , but obviously , being a couple they need to have them together .. Nelly is completely unattractive to me , just bones , one of her implant boobs has collapsed , if Bogdan isn’t around , I think she will collapse of substances and alcohol . For both their time is finished but Bogdan os watchable let’s say in comparison to Nelly and that’s why the “ Bogdan is fine “ ..
  19. Dylan is a guy that gives pleasure to women , he first thinks of them and then himself .. and that represents me as a guy .. and this is why he fucks a lot , exactly like I have been doing in my life ..😆 The loss of Dylan , Ashley and Co and whoever is bored with them ( Tereza and Timur ) will be realized when they leave the project .. imagine a B5 without those long all nighters .. imagine the villas with the “ life they DIDN’T have “ before the update . But people like you likes to watch Bogdan and Nelly , the girls like Dana and Zara and whoever was before April that made it completely boring ..
  20. B2 stays away from the villas so far , we will see ..
  21. The positive is that Lubna proves that she’s the same level / team Ashley and that Nadia has many “ needs “ , maybe she does all with her guy and she doesn’t receive back , seeing how Nadia got horny like she didn’t expect such things .. kudos to the guy being able to perform with cameras and of course with the rest watching , imagine if we had Anthony .. B2 is awaken but - and I will be really criticizing bad now - the two girls who were in B1 removed were in a way doing the same thing , they were just asking for money on cameras …the only difference I saw is Milena asking “ Euros “ from the subscribers with the show at this time .. Multi positive , we saw guests , locals , let’s hope for more fun as Lubna - as mentioned - proves to be an extreme little devil 😊
  22. If Lubna discovers Dylan .. oh my …
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