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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. It’s funny that Lara then didn’t let them know ( as a more “ experienced “ tenant ) … RLC seems to try and resurrect this apartment as well … but I don’t think so ( pff , me being negative 😂🤣 )
  2. Milena is back and suddenly we get people in B2 … If RLC’s target was to make B2 a bit more viewable , the experiment works .
  3. Extreme kudos to Ashley and Dylan , the two tenants who have PERFECTLY understood what their “ assignment “ and this job truly is. Singles on Vacation , this is how they act , that’s what they do .. I ask everyone who could have the chance to live free in 2 villas , enjoy pools , endless rooms , luxury , space , everything and being amongst beautify , single , horny women … Exactly , you have it right , you would fuck the brains out of everyone that is willing , ANYTIME , ANYWHERE , without limits and hesitations . I can’t remember at least from 2019 and onwards that my memory serves well ( since the famous fuck marathon of Diane and Olya ) that two tenants could take advantage of everything and they would fuck at anu place … and the ironic thing ? Except the real fun and pleasure , they are even getting paid on doing so 😆 Perhaps the rest should learn and get the example that this is it , holidays , fun , booze , freedom , a bit of “ grass “ and perhaps some other recreational substances every now and then . Whoever could do it , offered the money and wouldn’t like it , I am sorry , it looks like they would belong to the 20s and the era of alcohol prohibition .. Maximum respect to Ashley and Dylan on providing some of the best entertainment offered with RLC - and the most important - doing it firstly for themselves and then coming easily as a great show for the cameras.
  4. And please .. for the “ sensitive “ ones, don’t start that this guy is about “ to rape “ Sambuka or molest her or whatever .. please 🙏🙏
  5. Let’s say again something not so positive or popular 😬 … many people here claim that the girls bring “ clients “ in the apartments , well , for a change and watching Megan’s guy , it is like Megan has paid for him to be in the apartment , better say to provide satisfaction .. he isn’t a bad guy with his behavior but for an Italian , I can’t think how he can’t be this “ ice king “ of emotions 😆
  6. And … we have another “ Anthony “ 😂 , Tony we can call Megan’s guy .
  7. And very nice and sweet of Megan to try and take care of her - many times - absent roommate and not get locked in her room with her guy .. pretty impressive and a really great gesture , well done 😇
  8. I could easily say , Sambuka is the “ not -shy - “ version of Kimberley , Kimberley wasn’t of course shy but she didn’t do things on cameras like Sambuka .. so , here it is the upgraded version .. It might be that Megan’s guy is not happy and angry 😂😂 Sharing apartment issues I guess .
  9. And OFF to sleep again in a couch in her own apartment 😡🤬😡🤬
  10. I thought last time that we saw Sambuka with that guy who seemed more of a friend and stayed overnight , that it was the guy we saw during her first night and she had sex with , that’s why I mentioned the “ 2 sex partners and Anthony the bonus guy 😂 “ .. but I was wrong obviously , it looks that this is the guy of the first time .. strange we don’t see the bearded ( 2nd guy ) during the bloody mess 😂.. In any case , this weird and surprises , not knowing what’s happening things in B1 is actually tremendous fun to watch .. Sambuka is INCREDIBLE with her craziness , pff , she and Ashley and Dylan , that would be INSANE .. I don’t know what Megan has said to her friend , I don’t know what he thinks of all of this kind of chaos 😂, but he certainly provides and satisfies his girl and no camera worries since his arrival .
  11. I agree .. and I need to admit , she really loves fucking this guy , it was more “ cold “ for her during the times with Rocco .. still - for me - trying to figure out the relationship , as we know , Megan was “ open “ for adventures with Rocco , it looks “ committed “ this one .. Ups , 2 out of 2 surprises of Sambuka interrupting whatever ( this actually was ok ) 😂🤣
  12. But … he is right being pissed off seeing the unwashed clothes in the bathroom 😂🤣😂🤣 .. pff , difficult costaying it will be 😁
  13. Strange guy this Megan’s boyfriend .. I never liked actually emotionless during sex people .. anyway , it is the complains night😁😆
  14. She’s fine with her guy and the child , perfectly fine .. I dare to say that it might look a same “ Karol and Kos “ situation ( Karol alone for quite some period while Kos was settling down and arranging details moving from Russia in Barcelona , Karol was providing the standard and well paid income ) , but the biggest , enormous , gigantic difference is the child … Maybe I think a bit emotional with that ( even not being a father ) , but I don’t know how I could be away from my child for many hours during the day , not sleeping close / around / next room to him/her , especially for a job that let’s say isn’t the same if there was a major reason for example that needed to be away from the child ( a job that the presence is essential and missing the child can’t be avoided - no matter if for me this shouldn’t be an option ) .. Anyway , I might be seeing it completely wrong and perhaps others think differently , possible more liberate and open minded in this subject , but for us here , Greeks , the family is one of THE ( sacred ) VALUES and PRINCIPLES in life and it might affects my judgement . Wishing Milena a good stay and to accomplish her goals on taking this job again , but I think I prefer to watch the tenants that for them life is still fun and smiles and craziness and not serious obligations ( most of the current villas people let’s say ) .
  15. The most tired thing and energy consumption for human beings , it is always the rollercoaster of emotions .. how many search for stability , peace , calm and relaxation , how many relationships are causing people to get health issues , get sad or angry or not fair with others by having relationships with incredible ups and downs . For what we pay to watch , this is indeed real life what we get from this couple ( in terms of emotional stage ) , but thinking as human beings , I don’t know if many would have liked to be in such position / situation .. For whatever matters , such condition might be keeping this relationship still “ active “ and “ interesting “ as you say , it might be challenging ( or even they absolutely care ) to make it as much as possible as for sure there were , there are and there will always be special and unique feelings towards one another for these two . As a fan of the couple ( and as I have said for others in the past ) , long term tenants should know and “ feel “ when the right time has come to abandon / quit ( especially when they are either no money or cameras addicted people - at least that’s what I believe for M&A- ) and proceed for the next step in their lives . Let’s see how these people might have discussed or planed the future moves , the sooner you manage ( that means younger ) to go out and face the real world than struggling for some more money or comforts or benefits , I think the more it will be the problems in real life .
  16. Yes you are right ☺️… I am getting old 😔😔 and memory makes lots of tricks 🤯😱
  17. WTF … The parody continues … They can’t find girls and now they bring even mothers … Ridiculous .. not for RLC this time but for girls who accept an invitation ( ? ) or ask a former employer to help them financially or for a whatever transition (? ) … This isn’t good ( criticism made out of morality reasons ) … I think this is the first mother we see with RLC or at least a girl that she has no issues ( divorced , not good boyfriend relationship ) and there’s no actual need to go back on cameras life .. ohh well , whatever .. With this rate , we might even see Stella one day again 😁😁
  18. For those who never have seen Megan in the past , it is good that she’s back in “ doing all “ in front of cameras when in her last stay she was suffering the break up with her previous boyfriend and we didn’t see actually anything ( we had also the virus period ) . In this return , a new guy is in her life , it’s nice seeing a girl happy … and the viewers , well , first of all , you can see the difference of a more than respecting and rewarding the people who pay her employer so as she also gets paid , the sessions with her guy happen under full lighting and not NV or stupid lamps to affect the lights and all these horrific things , I think only for this , you can easily tell how some of the girls make a great name for themselves and become popular ( amongst other things of course as a tenant , relationship with others , presence and so on ) . I And of course , for anyone who hasn’t seen in the past , can now have the knowledge that Megan , despite being this super amazing body and tits and ass and pussy for her tiny incredible figure , she is just a normal in sex person.. Good friend miscvoyeur had describe it perfectly in the past , it was when we had Loraine and Megan at the same time with RLC , saying that we had two of the most beautiful girls we have seen with RLC but their skills are just “ normal “ and not anything “crazy “ to drive guys nuts ( however their bodies is many men dream measures 😂 ) .. it is all a matter of taste of course , but what is meant is that when we speak about “ skills “ ( without being anything important of course as each person is different and just to show what it is meant ) , then we need to think about Tani , Ulyana and will only mention these two so as to show that despite the beauty of these girls , they were/are both Loraine and Megan rather “ quiet “ during their sex interactions and not of any craziness , extreme passion and whatever we see from others . Again , completely nothing against Megan , blessed we are enjoying her current stay as we get the chance being presented with her private life being shared and with a guy who’s not camera shy ( he has been educated nicely 😁 ) , it is just a mention that two of such extreme beautiful girls like Megan and Loraine ( she was much worse though ) , during sex they are just “ normal “ . ( pity that that this current room of Megan isn’t so good to capture all of the angles needed to check the times … )
  19. Another major conclusion that many would agree I believe , it is the UNLIMITED passion of Fiora being in front of cameras . I am trying to think girls who simply love this job / hobby / occupation / exposure / environment / life . Fiora - EVERYTIME - she appears she simply shows her appreciation of either RLC being her employer , the fans who made her and gain her top camera views , they made her life comfortable and interesting always while in Barcelona . Her genuine smiles , moves , a really really passionate person for the cameras … at the same time there are girls like Bella for example who don’t even want to be there and it makes you wonder .. Fiora , exaggerating or not at times , will always be a girl / woman who has shown the maximum respect of the opportunity ( opportunities ) given to her .. and this is also another major truth , her tears while having to abandon B2 during her first stay will always be a top moment to remember . Big kudos and 👏👏 to Fiora .
  20. Say whatever but there’s an undisputed reality and a fact that whoever doesn’t see it or wanting not to accept it is the least to say prejudiced.. The truth is and there are no doubts on that , ALL OF THE GIRLS ( with the exception of the virgins Zara and Dana , the “ occupied “ Tani and the not so interested like in the beginning Gloria ) , ALL OF THE GIRLS then enjoy spending time with Dylan , trying to find and do things together , in general , his presence is very positive and brings a great aura for the girls being around him … At the same time , Antony starts losing gradually and daily much of his “ charm “ and influence to the girls , Ashley , Azura , Aziza , gradually Wendy , Gloria also more and more ( but she always cares for him .. ) don’t care or ignore his presence .. For them , Dylan is a much more pleasant to be with than Anthony .. and that’s the truth and the fact happening on cameras that we can see .
  21. Great gathering and Sambuka added in the company , it will be interesting to see if she will be making more appearances trying to balance her stay with the rest of the tenants in Barcelona or she will be team Harley / Ulyana that seem not to want to have any connection / interaction with the rest ..
  22. As as said , very very nice woman but kinda of a lost , strange and complicated person .. I could compare her with Tim , she seemed to have many personal issues when out of cameras .
  23. Glad that you mentioned good friend emnv’s reappearance even for these little valuable translations … I hope many have taken/ learned their lesson of how better it would have all been if there were no doubts both of him and good friend omedo when they were both around and providing with their knowledge of language some valuable points during the very long talks between Alberto and Martina ( many times as we know they have been sharing on cameras their real life incidents off cameras ) .. look how much of a difference made with the explanation of the low grade in French and her next step in university … but people here were doubting their contribution when in reality they even didn’t have to prove anything to anyone , they were even spending personal time to write part of talks heard translated ..
  24. Maybe Samson’s real girlfriend ? ( first time on cameras I think .. )
  25. Pfff … Seeing Ailey again is a “ disgrace “ for the site RLC … Such a nice woman but she belongs to the era of girls in the villa that weee taking all the advantages of the subscribers ( money to live their life in Barcelona ) and they didn’t give anything in return . Her 2-3 memorable moments of the 1/3 of the times that she was living in B7 include the sex moment with Samson and the almost threesome experience with Kassandra . BUT , seeing her again around , pff , it reminds the REALLY BAD BAD dark boring times in B7 before the big change .. I kind look at her now and how this woman can even be compared to Gloria and Ashley who are the successors ( with the Kimberley break .. ) … Samson and Dylan under the same roof could have been insanely memorable 😁😁
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