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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Angry with a guy who hasn’t got AN OPINION to criticize the WOMAN THAT FOR HIM DOES EVERYTHING FINE ? where are you to crticize her actions , her mistakes , her boring and isolated / miserable life ? Angry with a guy that appears only to defend her because you have managed to persuade EVERYONE here that what you share is the truth about her ? “With who Leora speaks “ .. Dad/Paul .. numerous bla bla bla only defending her in positive things and never accusing her of her actions .. angry with a guy who sees things on one direction only ? Have the balls to come out when she was living HER DREAM with her guy for 1,5 years .. when she was absent for 2 days per week to fuck off cameras because BIG LOVE PAUL should never find out since the ultimate goal was to bring him back .. now , how the ultimate goal was to bring her one and only love back and at the same time being explosive , getting sad and in tears , smashing phones for 1,5 years of sharing life with someone else , is beyond me and away of any reasonable person’s imagination . I am happy by exposing my lies you have been saying the truth , after all , you have only been appearing declaring the truth when people like me questions things appear and accuse Leora’s behavior and actions … No matter what , Jimbo4 - despite disagreeing with him that by watching only one apartment might has made him not good judging what this site is all about - is the ABSOLUTE ONE who criticizes , favors , accuses and in general he has the absolute right to speak about this place and with him , even if he is reacting in whatever way with me , I respect his words , judgment , everything .. you are just one more minion and worshipper .. Malia was beaten by her lover / husband ( whatever ) , Leora was ready to have the girl who appeared as a roommate … THESE ARE ARE ALL FROM SOURCES THAT I BLINDLY TRUST because they know and speak things for not only this “ nothingness “ apartment here but they know things deep for RLC .. If you can find me reasons why I should be telling lies , you have gained my admiration of being the one and only 😂🤣😂🤣
  2. Yes she is .. easily to google her .
  3. I defend her behavior due to her priority outside and in real life … I DEFINITELY CONDAMN her choice being a tenant when she OFFERS THE ABSOLUTE ZERO as an RLC tenant . I don’t think being a public person like she is , she would risk for whatever videos to be in the internet and at the same time having/building a respectful career .. the truth is that it is a mistake both from RLC giving her a bed and from her that she is risking being exposed ..
  4. Zhanna DID ABSOLUTE nothing during her stay .. Sambuka has fucked two guys in the apartment and she has masturbated in front of more than the 50% of the cameras of the apartment … I think we should be “ scared “ of what she will be exposing if she takes this job as her one and only income like the majority of the Barcelona tenants .. Sambuka is a great addition .
  5. I missed the MAN WHO KNOWS IT ALL and everything that other people say here it is BULLSHIT and it can’t be different opinions 🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂WELCOME ONE AND ONLY OUT OF YOUR HOLE , i always wonder why you appear when the “DEFENDERS “ should arise and PROTECT when it is criticism TOWARDS RLC’S BIGGEST SEXUAL OBJECT 😂🤣😂🤣😂 Welcome , you have been missed , I MISSED YOU 😭😭😭😭
  6. Also …Do you really think that Leora lives her life for herself ? Why she then masturbates towards the cameras , at usually prime time and when other apartments are non action or quiet and why she doesn’t do her personal female needs when nature calls in the morning , before sleeping late in morning hours , sex with Paul during his man’s morning erection and so on ? In my humble opinion , Leora is a cameras employee and I admire her for that , but her life is the least to say fake and not honest towards me as an RLC ( REALLIFECAM ) subscriber . And this annoyes me very much , especially seeing other people crying , smiling , shouting , having real emotions and reactions ignoring the presence of cameras .. Leora is an icon and she has helped this site to be online and alive 12 years after launching , but for what the site tries to promote that it is , Leora is it’s one of the worst tenants , at least after 2019 ..and this is my honest thought on that .
  7. I will answer this … a woman SO INCREDIBLY experienced and perhaps the most capable and comfort with cameras NOT BEING ABLE for nearly 4 years to manage and bring any of her SO CALLED friends that she has made in Prague inside this apartment , it is the least to say INCREDIBLE . I can accept that 9/10 don’t want to be exposed but according to ALL OF OTHER RPC apartments , ALL OF THE TENATS HAVE SOCIALIZED ( Esenia and Dima were seen in another apartment at least once , Cheryl and Nicolas are the only ones but Cheryl is a porn actress .. ) at least once .. Where’s the famous “ Max “ guy ? Why Leora is “ afraid “ ( ??? ) to have a guy who brought while alone or with Malia 4-5 times in the apartment ? Where’s the girl she was supposed to be Leora’s new roommate but at the very last minute didn’t work out ? It has been mentioned , Leora the antisocial with t-shirts hinting on that , or am I wrong ? But … she repeatedly as mentioned was / is ?? working at a beauty salon which is the LEAST TO SAY an antisocial job since you need to interact with people and develop relationships for the sake of the business .. where are all those people ? Isn’t EVEN 1 interested in knowing where Leora lives , where and where to meet her ONE AND ONLY BOUFRIEND and precious dog ? Are you telling me that in 4 years nobody of the people who know Leora outside of the cameras haven’t asked what she does for a living or what and where she lives and not asked to pass by for a wine , a beer or a shisha smoke ? I have nothing against Leora’s decisions and choices , her life , her aftermath and consequences when all of this adventure and experience will be over . BUT as an RLC paying subscriber , I SIMPLY QUESTION HER PRESENCE in comparison to the rest of ALL OF RLC tenants .. are they stupid exposing themselves to friends , relatives , boyfriends , partners ? Are they stupid trying to live an as much as normal life in front of cameras respecting the viewers and the site’s logo “ The private life of other people streaming peace and love since 2011 “ and Leora and Paul are the clever ones HIDING ALL ? Last but not least , WHY NOBODY here is criticizing or at least commenting if they agree with what Leora and Paul do or EVEN MORE , will anyone of the “ NON COMMENTERS “ of their lifestyle and choices / decisions would do the same in their private life ( no friends visiting , no public evenings in a cinema , theatre , bar , restaurant , social event ) … if anything I am criticizing and commenting on this way and makes no sense and LOOKS STUPID and without LOGIG / UNREASONABLE , then it is either me having no clue what socializing means or what living as a normal human being is or EVERYONE HERE who avoids talking about these issues , simply want to keep on enjoying LEORA THE SEX OBJECT till the sea dries out because of only sun and no water ..
  8. RLC should be answering these questions .. but from the viewer’s point of view , it is simple … SHE’S DOING ( makes ) MONEY
  9. Biggest accomplishment is to see and bring out of their “ holes “ when they have ABSOLUTELY NO BALLS or REASONABLE ARGUMENTS because they don’t even know what to say anymore people like Scutus and Masterchef .. and this is ddhm’s biggest accomplishment , to make this thread alive again and see “ LOYAL FANS “ come out for DEFENDING PURPOSES since the Queen can’t express her opinion or let her thoughts be heard and defend herself ( however , she might have time later to go and socialize in a t-shirt store and buy one and say “ Fuck you haters “ ) 😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣
  10. A bit an on and off with “ Elvis “ , Masha thinking to get married , some people say that it is because she loves him , others we say that she simply wants to make the legal papers for permanent European Union citizenship .. I think people need to learn more Masha .. Eva being back is great but I don’t think ( hopefully I am wrong ) is first priority to have fun and enjoy her personal life but mostly to find ways to settle slowly down professionally . We will see , but .. she always cared for her fans and audience and for sure will offer some “ Eva moments “ ..
  11. Don’t forget .. they ( Leora ) are antisocial .. now how can it be possible living in Prague and be antisocial when this capital “ invites “ to LIVE YOUR LIFE and be free , enjoy and simply MAKE THE BEST OUT OF IT , it is beyond any human’s mind .. but for many people here , we shouldn’t care expressing such opinions here as it isn’t our lives and simply watch and enjoy the 2,867 masturbation moment .. and when people don’t speak and simply enjoy and express their gratitude and admiration to whatever Leora does , be happy , you are part of the community 😄😄😄😄👏👏👏
  12. Nice to see you posting again ☺️ … I always thought you would have your opinion about the latest Masha’s developments , I hope you appear also there 😊
  13. I disagree with you for B7 , we recently saw a group of musicians being there , two birthday parties , we saw some fan favorites revisiting and appearing ( Gina , Martina ) .. B7 is absolutely fine and the same goes for B4 , these are “ holidays “ places and they achieve their target group . Wanting personally to see more “ outsiders “ , this is a fact but the people who current inhabit the villas , they have understood the villas meaning ( apart from very very few ) and as a viewer , it satisfies me . B1 and B5 ( the last weeks isn’t the best since there’s a strange relationship between the couples ) are doing occasionally things , considering how B1 was for nearly half part of the winter , it is an improvement . The disappointment is definitely B2 , Lara ( rightfully doing so ) has her profession and followers and she must be very careful if anything goes public and hurt her career ( still so weird that she has chosen to be exposed even in this little range ) , she’s in a way a public person and she manages greatly to protect her personal life . The other two girls have their interests outside , but let’s wait a bit for Bella ( but it doesn’t look how different she can be from the other two ) . It simply though shows for Lara how a lonely also and isolated personal life she has apart from her job , she can entertain some any hundreds or few thousands during a gig in Barcelona or somewhere in the world , only to come in B2 in the evening and sleep alone and without company or even possible friends not being able to visit her in her apartment . And this is the worse no matter of all the money of the world . In the end it is a pity that the majority of these girls still believe that money brings happiness and their life will magically be a fairy tale in the years to come , they don’t seem to acknowledge that they won’t be young and pretty always . Anyway , it is what it is and everyone makes his / her own choices .
  14. They aren’t actually Russians from the “ European “ let’s say territory , meaning Moscow and Saint Petersburg being the cities with lots of European influence , this could be for me a reason of being totally different in anything they do … We have examples currently of Russian couples and how affectionate they are , Karol and Kos , Venera and Lion , Dasha and Sasha . All these 3 couples have a wonderful passion and affection towards their partners .. Since I have prepared for the laughing and sad emojis , I will only say that kudos go to everyone enjoying a LONELY and ISOLATED woman trying to please herself for 10 years because “ the man who loves “ can’t make it . She tries with all different kind of toys , sizes , positions to please herself sexually because the man she has decided to be her company can’t do so … From a voyeur’s side of view , this WAS remarkable for years , anyone still getting pleased and enjoying , I have the maximum respect but Leora should now be more than a woman who has learned ways to please herself and in my opinion should be discussed as a tenant after 10 years and not as a nice girl because this we know she is . 10 years after and the only discussions and posts regarding Leora’s thread is if she inserted a butt plug , how she used the dildo , how she licked her fingers and Paul’s milk . THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER DISCUSSIONS , which it makes me come to the conclusion that the people who care for the PERSON LEORA are very very few ( and mostly loyal fans ) when the EXHIBITIONIST LEORA still many many many many people care . If Leora considers an accomplishment having a bond with the viewers trying to find ways to pleasure herself after 10 years and VERY FEW KNOWING what kind of a person she is so as to bond with herself as a person and not as a sex object , then , in my eyes , when all the cameras world fame and glory will be gone , I hope those few who will be in touch with her and will be learning news from her life , to be happy with the things she will be accomplishing because the real life and when it so going to be faced , well , she will be more than surprised and shocked knowing that she’s just one more person amongst many and without any gravity of personality . 10 years after and there’s no emotional attachment but only sex attachment to the people watching . A look at Linda’s and Tibor’s topic and how so many things have been discussed there and the thoughts , opinions and ideas that people have shared for this couple which represented amazingly RLC for 6,5 years , can be an example of even less attention and viewing , how much attached as persons Linda and Tibor have been than Leora and Paul .
  15. The best apartment for the summer in the center of Barcelona will unfortunately be the least watched , the one that would gather people so they would all enjoy the roof view to the Mediterranean Sea , it will be the least watched .. let’s see how B1 will manage to work for two , however Sambuka and Megan with her fan club ( and cameras knowledge ) seem to have revive way much the interest .. It all now looks like the biggest goal for RLC was to RESURRECT the interest for the villas which they were both suffering of viewership and people inhabiting the places . They have found the “ recipe “ and it might be that for them , as long as viewers are spending time there watching , all is great .. The legendary B2 will take lots of time of being a boring place , let’s hope that some admins will think to revive it again at a certain point .
  16. It might be the last day and as of tomorrow , 1st June , this apartment and couple will be taking its rightful position as one of the best ever this site has seen . And .. The very first I believe - outside of Russia - long run apartment as they made it for 6,5 years nearly , wow ..
  17. Azura on fire and in desperate need to get some .. she needs to relax with her toys .
  18. An extremely horny Azura , after a wonderful sensational dance , satisfying her needs ( however she looks like in also urgent need of having some “ Dylan “ treatment - squirting and so on … ) .. An explosive tenant as the days go by , another one proving the right “ owner “ of the second best room in B4 .
  19. Everybody was expecting “ LOTS “ of things while Tasha ( guest ) Sam , Masha made cameo appearances .. apart from a surprising “ remember the good old times “ interaction between Masha and Dasha and the masturbations of Tasha , the only extraordinary thing that we can say we have seen , it was the drunk Sasha on that night that Dasha and Sasha locked themselves in the off cameras bathroom ( ? ) and she was screaming and he was heard like crying .. Other than that , Dasha and Sasha are top quality sex performers , for sure top sex activities … But that’s it , being in a new country , they have no real or close friends either to trust having in the apartment so as we can see something different or the “ friends “ don’t wish or like of any exposure . With that being said and allowing the statistics to show the way , I don’t think we can expect something different than a similar like Tasha’s stay from Eva … HOWEVER .. Eva is indeed a “ carrier “ of surprises , she has no boundaries and if now she and Matvei are a sweet and beautiful memory , nobody knows of a possible “ grief “ can be faced with happenings so as to forget . Of course , this isn’t her apartment and despite listed as a tenant , it might be a transition period for her and having free rent for as long as she’s thinking and deciding her next step. In my humble opinion , Eva could easily succeed in Spain as Prague isn’t as much different in climate than Russia , Spain could be a good base to restart .. Montenegro is beautiful during the summer with lots of marvelous places but not the place to invest for the future . Let’s see , for sure it is great having this amazing sensual woman back but I can’t think at the moment of any sex appetite from her , apart - as I said - if she wants to face her break up grief or even , BEING HAPPY ??? that Matvei is past … Time as always will bring the answers .
  20. Azura has for me the best nipples 😁😉😉
  21. I am way too open minded person , in terms that due to my age now ( 46 ) they are even telling me how I can think like this 😂 .. but I don’t think i would be accepting when having an open relationship that my bed is used by the lover / sex partner of my girlfriend while I am next room or inside the place I am living with her and she’s having her fun .. and I wouldn’t obviously doing the same to her .
  22. I think that like Lara , she is very careful on exposing herself as she’s having also other interests outside and a big followers base . If the day comes and she does things on cameras , what can I say ? That would be indeed one of the craziest and unexpected things happening .
  23. It is more easy for this doing it in Phuket I think , Bali is more “ classy “ let’s say , Phuket is more free with that I believe .
  24. I think this is a weird and crazy world for her , I don’t know if she expected this , it looks like she was guaranteed obviously a place to stay for free and just to act natural .. but it comes for her to understand that more things are happening.. and it’s like she enjoys all these new people around her ( especially since Megan became her roommate and hanging out a lot with her ) but at the same time she holds back to let free because she simply doesn’t want to expose herself .. But she’s doing more and more tiny steps everyday and this watching it has its own beauty than the obvious , girls who don’t care and they will easily do all on cameras . Diversity is always a great thing .
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